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Det er imho en utidig national beskedenhed at skrive på dansk om Pali uden at nævne vor geniale landsmand Rasmus Rask (og at skrive om Rask uden at nævne Pali!). Lidt søgen giver f.eks.:

The famous linguist Rasmus Rask (1787-1832) spent two years (1820-22) of his long travels in India, where he went from Bombay to Calcutta, Madras, Trankebar, and then Ceylon. He returned to Denmark in 1823 with a treasure of manuscripts that he had collected for the University Library and the Royal Library, which, thanks to him, now holds the most important collection of Pali manuscripts in Europe. [1]

Sebastjan 01. jan. 2006 kl. 10:35 (CET)