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Metanetiol (også kendt som methylmercaptan eller methylmerkaptan) er en biogen organisk svovlforbindelse med den kemiske formel CH3SH.

Metanetiol er en farveløs gas med en karakteristisk rådden lugt. Det er et naturligt stof, der findes i blod, hjerne og afføring hos dyr (inklusive mennesker) såvel som i plantevæv. Lugten af skaldyr skyldes tildels også metanetiol.[1] Metanetiol forekommer også naturligt i visse fødevarer, såsom nogle nødder og ost. Metanetiol er en af de kemiske forbindelser, der er ansvarlige for dårlig ånde og lugten af flatus (prut). Metanetiol er den enkleste tiol og forkortes nogle gange som MeSH. Det er meget brandfarligt.

Via forskning offentliggjort i 2024 fra University of East Anglia er det blevet afdækket, at plankton i verdenshavene producerer store mængder methanethiol, som efter oxidation, køler klimaet mere end dimethylsulfid (DMS).[1]

  1. ^ a b November 27, 2024, sciencedaily.com, University of EastAnglia: Oceans emit sulfur and cool the climate more than previously thought, backup Citat: "...Researchers have quantified for the first time the global emissions of a sulfur gas produced by marine life, revealing it cools the climate more than previously thought, especially over the Southern Ocean..."Until now we thought that the oceans emitted sulfur into the atmosphere only in the form of dimethyl sulphide, a residue of plankton that is mainly responsible for the evocative smell of shellfish," said Dr Martí Galí, a researcher at the ICM-CSIC and another of the main study authors...This allowed them to conclude that, annually and on a global average, methanethiol increases known marine sulfur emissions by 25%. "It may not seem like much, but methanethiol is more efficient at oxidising and forming aerosols than dimethyl sulfide and, therefore, its climate impact is magnified," said co-lead Dr Julián Villamayor, a researcher at IQF-CSIC..."
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