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Rubina Raja

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Rubina Raja
Født28. januar 1975 (49 år) Rediger på Wikidata
Hørsholm, Danmark Rediger på Wikidata
Uddannelse og virke
Uddannelses­stedNiels Steensens Gymnasium,
Københavns Universitet,
University of Oxford Rediger på Wikidata
Medlem afYoung Academy of Europe[1] Rediger på Wikidata
BeskæftigelseUniversitetsunderviser, græcist, historiker, arkæolog Rediger på Wikidata
FagområdeOldtidsarkeologi[2], klassisk arkæologi, ikonografi Rediger på Wikidata
ArbejdsgiverUniversität Hamburg (2005-2007), Aarhus Universitet (fra 2007) Rediger på Wikidata
Nomineringer og priser
UdmærkelserDansk Magisterforenings Forskningspris (2019),
EliteForsk-prisen (2015) Rediger på Wikidata
Eksterne henvisninger
Rubina Rajas hjemmeside Rediger på Wikidata
Information med symbolet Billede af blyant hentes fra Wikidata. Kildehenvisninger foreligger sammesteds.

Rubina Raja (født 1975, Hørsholm[3]) er en klassisk arkæolog, der er ansat som professor i klassisk arkæologi på Aarhus Universitet[4][5] og centerleder for Center for Urbane Netværksudviklinger (UrbNet).[5][6][7] Hun er specialiseret i kultur, sociale strukturer og religionshistorie og arkæologi i fortiden. Hendes forskning inkluderer urban udvikling og netværksstudier, arkitektur og byplanlægning samt ikonografi fra hellenistisk til tidlig middelalder..[8]

Raja gik på Niels Steensens Gymnasium, og læste herefter klassisk arkæologi på Københavns Universitet, Sapienza - Università di Roma i Rom og University of Oxford i England.[9] Raja blev ph.d. fra University of Oxford i 2005 (Lincoln College) med en afhandling om byudvikling og regionale identiteter i Østromerske provinser under vejledning af professorerne R.R.R. Smith og Margareta Steinby.[10] Og hun var herefter ansat som postdocUniversität Hamburg i Tyskland, inden hun i 2007 blev ansat som postdoc på Aarhus Universitet.[11]

Hendes publikationer inkluderer artikler, bogkaptiler og monografier.[12]

Hun var medlem af Det Unge Akademi i 2011-2016, og var formand i 2013.


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  • Raja, R. (2019). The Palmyra Collection: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
  • Krag, S., Raja, R.& Yon, J.-B. (2019). The collection of Palmyrene funerary portraits in the Musei Vaticani. Notes and observations. Bollettino dei monumenti musei e gallerie pontificie. Supplemento n. 4, Vatican: Edizioni Musei Vaticani.
  • Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (2015). Harald Ingholt and Palmyra,Aarhus: Fællestrykkeriet Aarhus Universitet. Danish translation: Harald Ingholt og Palmyra, Aarhus: Fællestrykkeriet Aarhus Universitet.
  • Raja, R. (2012). Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman Provinces, 50 BC – AD 250: Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Athens, Gerasa, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.

Udvalgte artikler

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  • Albertson, F., Lapatin, K. & Raja, R. (2019). "Rejoining a Palmyrene Funerary Relief: Postscriptum", Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 12, 168–183.
  • Albrecht, J., Degelmann, C., Gasparini, V., Gordon, R., Patzelt, M., Petridou, G., Raja, R., Rieger, A.-K., Rüpke, J., Sippel, B., Urciuoli, E. R. & Weiss, L. (2018). "Religion in the making: the Lived Ancient Religion Approach"; Religion 38:4, 568–593.
  • Barfod, G., Freestone, I., Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R. & Schwarzer, H. (2018). "Geochemistry of Byzantine and Early Islamic glass from Jerash, Jordan: Typology, recycling, and provenance", Geoarchaeology 33:6, 1–18.
  • Hoffmann Barfod, Gry; Larsen, John Møller; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina (9. december 2015). "Revealing text in a complexly rolled silver scroll from Jerash with computed tomography and advanced imaging software". Scientific Reports. 5 (1): 17765. Bibcode:2015NatSR...517765H. doi:10.1038/srep17765. PMID 26648504.
  • Barfod, G., Lichtenberger, A., Peterson, A., Raja, R. & Ting, C. (2019). "Middle Islamic Pottery from Jerash: New Research on Ceramic Fabrics and the Implications for Production Patterns of HMGP Pottery in Northern Jordan", Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 12, 140–167.
  • Birch, T., Orfanou, V., Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., Barfod, G., Lesher, C.E., Schulze, I. & Schulze, W. (2019). "From nummi minimi to fulūs—small change and wider issues: Characterising coinage from Gerasa/Jerash (Late Roman to Umayyad periods)", Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.
  • Gordon, R., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2017). "A new inscribed amulet from Gerasa (Jerash)", Syria 94, 297–306.
  • Holdridge, G., Kristiansen, S. M., Raja, R. & Simpson, I. A. (2017). " City and wadi: Exploring the environs of Jerash", Antiquity 91, 1–6.
  • Kaizer, T. & Raja, R. (2019). "Divine symbolism on the tesserae from Palmyra: Considerations about the so-called 'Symbol of Bel' or 'Signe de la Pluie'", Syria 95, 297-315.
  • Kalaitzoglou, G., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2018). " Preliminary report of the fourth season of the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project 2014", Annual of the Department of Antiquities in Jordan 59, 11–43.
  • Krag, S. & Raja, R. (2017). "Representations of women and children in Palmyrene banqueting reliefs and sarcophagus scenes", Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 10, 196–227.
  • Krag, S. & Raja, R. (2019). " Unveiling female hairstyles: Markers of Age, Social Roles, and Status in the Funerary Sculpture from Palmyra", Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 2018:11, 242–277.
  • Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2015), "New archaeological research in the Northwest Quarter of Jerash and its implications for the urban development of Roman Gerasa", American Journal of Archaeology 119:4, 483–500.
  • Lichtenberger, A. &Raja, R. (2016). "A newly excavated private house in Jerash: Reconsidering aspects of continuity and change in material culture from Late Antiquity to the early Islamic period", Antiquité Tardive 24, 317–359.
  • Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina (8. august 2017). "Mosaicists at work: the organisation of mosaic production in Early Islamic Jerash". Antiquity. 91 (358): 998-1010. doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.66.
  • Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2018). "From Synagogue to Church: The Appropriation of the Synagogue of Gerasa/Jerash under Justinian", Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 61, 85–98.
  • Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2019). "18. Januar 749 n. Chr - Ein Erdbeben zerstört die Stadt Gerasa in Jordanien", Antike Welt 1:2019, 4.
  • Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2019). "Management of water resources over time in semiarid regions: The case of Gerasa/Jerash in Jordan", WIREs Water, e1403
  • Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2019). " Open-data presentation of a geophysical survey in Gerasa (Jerash), Jordan", Antiquity 93:371, e31.
  • Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2019). "The Danish-German Jarash North-West Quarter Project: Results from the 2014-2015 seasons", Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XIII, 51–71.
  • Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., Eger, C., Kalaitzoglou, G. & Sørensen, A. H. (2017). "A newly excavated private house in Jerash. Reconsidering aspects of continuity and change in material culture from Late Antiquity to the early Islamic period", Antiquité Tardive 24, 317–359.
  • Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina; Seland, Eivind Heldaas; Kinnaird, Tim; Simpson, Ian A. (25. juni 2019). "Urban-Riverine Hinterland Synergies in Semi-Arid Environments: Millennial-Scale Change, Adaptations, and Environmental Responses at Gerasa/Jerash". Journal of Field Archaeology. 44 (5): 333-351. doi:10.1080/00934690.2019.1625619.
  • Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R. & Stott, D. (2019). "Mapping Gerasa: A new and open data map of the site", Antiquity 93:367, 1–7.
  • Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R. & Sørensen, A. H. (2018). "The Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project 2014: Preliminary registration report", Annual of the Department of Anitquities in Jordan 59, 45–131.
  • Lichterman, P., Raja, R., Rieger, A.-K. & Rüpke, J. (2017). "Grouping together in Lived Ancient Religion: Individual Interacting and the formation of groups", Religion in the Roman Empire3, 3–10.
  • Raja, R. (2016). "In and out of contexts: Explaining religious complexity through the banqueting tesserae from Palmyra", Religion in the Roman Empire 2:3, 340–371.
  • Raja, R. (2017). "Powerful images of the deceased: Palmyrene funerary portrait culture between local, Greek and Roman representations", in: Boschung, D. & Queyrel, F. (eds.), Bilder der Macht: Das griechische Porträt und seine Verwendung in der antiken Welt, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 319–348.
  • Raja, R. (2017)."Representations of the so-called 'former priests' in Palmyrene funerary art. A methodological contribution and commentary", Topoi Orient Occident 21:1, 51–81.
  • Raja, R. (2017). "Zeus Olympios, Hadrian and the Jews of Antiochia-on-the-Chrysorrhoas-formerly-called-Gerasa", Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology PB185, 171–195.
  • Raja, R. (2018). "Compilation and digitisation of the Palmyrene corpus of funerary portraits", Antiquity92:365, 1–7.
  • Raja, R. (2018). "The matter of the Palmyrene 'modius'. Remarks on the history of research into the terminology of the Palmyrene priestly hat", Religion in the Roman Empire 4, 237–259.
  • Raja, R. (2018). "Urbanising the Desert. Investigating the diversity of urban networks through the images of deceased Palmyrenes", in: Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Urban Network Evolutions: Towards a high-definition archaeology, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 75–80.
  • Raja, R. (2019). "Reconsidering the dorsalium or 'Curtain of Death' in Palmyrene Funerary Sculpture: Significance and Interpretations in Light of the Palmyra Portrait Project Corpus", in: Raja, R. (ed.), Revisiting the Religious Life of Palmyra, Contextualizing the Sacred 9, Turnhout: Brepols, 67–151.
  • Raja, R. & Rüpke, J. (2018). "Introduction: Coming to terms with ancient religion", Religion in the Roman Empire 4:2, 157–161.
  • Stott, David; Kristiansen, Søren Munch; Lichtenberger, Achim; Raja, Rubina (12. juni 2018). "Mapping an ancient city with a century of remotely sensed data". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (24): E5450-E5458. doi:10.1073/pnas.1721509115. PMC 6004432. PMID 29844181.
  • Ting, C., Lichtenberger, A. & Raja, R. (2019). "The technology and production of glazed ceramics from Middle Islamic Jerash, Jordan", Archaeometry 61:6, 1296–1312.
  1. ^ Navnet er anført på engelsk og stammer fra Wikidata hvor navnet endnu ikke findes på dansk.
  2. ^ Navnet er anført på bokmål og stammer fra Wikidata hvor navnet endnu ikke findes på dansk.
  3. ^ a b Rubina Raja. Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet. Hentet 25/4-2022
  4. ^ 76793@au.dk. "About Classical Studies". cas.au.dk (engelsk). Hentet 2020-06-16.
  5. ^ a b "Rubina Raja - Research - Aarhus University". pure.au.dk. Hentet 2020-06-16.
  6. ^ 173680@au.dk. "urbnet.au.dk". urbnet.au.dk (engelsk). Hentet 2020-06-16.
  7. ^ "The Danish National Research Foundation". Danish National Research Foundation (amerikansk engelsk). Hentet 2020-06-16.
  8. ^ "Rubina Raja | Aarhus University - Academia.edu". au.academia.edu (engelsk). Hentet 2020-06-16.
  9. ^ "Home | Lincoln College Oxford". lincoln.ox.ac.uk. Hentet 2020-06-16.
  10. ^ Urban Development and Regional Identity in the Eastern Roman Provinces, 50 BC - AD 250.
  11. ^ "Rubina Raja - Research - Aarhus University". pure.au.dk (engelsk). Arkiveret fra originalen 25. april 2022. Hentet 2020-06-16.
  12. ^ Rubina Raja | Academia; Rubina Raja | Google Scholar; Rubina Raja | Research Gate. Full list of publications available at Rubina Raja: Research Outputs | Aarhus University.
  13. ^ Prismodtagere 2015 Arkiveret 7. oktober 2019 hos Wayback Machine. Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet. Hentet 7/10-2019
  14. ^ Professor i makroøkologi ved KU og professor i klassisk arkæologi ved AU tildeles DM’s Forskningspriser 2019. DM. Hentet 18/9-2020

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