Wikipedia:Landsbybrønden/Medier angriber Commons-licens

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Medier angriber Commons-licens[rediger kildetekst]

denne hjemmeside og denne hjemmeside forklares at medier prøver at få fat på commons-licensen.

Citat WIPO's Broadcast Treaty is back: copyright nuts want to steal the public domain, kill Creative Commons, and give copyright over your videos to YouTube and other streamers Citat

For eksempel: Hvis TV2 i en dokumentar bruger en film du har optaget af skybruddet sidste weekend, så ville TV2 få licensen af det.

Det er WIPO der står bag det:

Citat First, "technology neutrality," which is WIPO-speak for "this applies to the Internet," which is to say, YouTube and Vimeo would get to control copies of all the works that they stream (as would Hulu and other streaming services), even CC-licensed works, even public domain works, even uses that would be fair use or fair dealing under copyright.

Second, "technical measures," which is WIPO-speak for DRM. This means that laws that make it illegal to break DRM that's used to restrict access to copyrighted works would be extended to DRM that's used to restrict the use of uncopyrighted, uncopyrightable, public domain works, as well as Creative Commons-licensed works (even though the CC licenses actually prohibit the use of DRM in connection with them)



Det bekymrer mig faktisk, fordi hvis jeg deler en lille clip af min søn med familien gennem YouTube, så kan de bruge det som de vil. Sender jeg det senere på min eget hjemmeside, ville de kunne give mig en bøde for det, for overtrædelse af ophavsretten. - Skræmmende --
 •    Rodejong    ✉️ 👀 → 7. jul 2011, 21:32 (CEST)