
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

Artikkelen handler om et lille netværk av lyrikere og kunstnere, der møtes og samarbeider. Det er ikke funnet noen uavhengige kilder av betydning som omtaler bevegelsen. Denne artikkelen er allerede slettet som cross wiki-spam på en rekke andre utgaver, blant annet den engelske, franske, den norske og mest påfallende også den italienske (!). Artikkelen burde egentlig vært slettet globalt. Det er de samme par-tre bidragsyderne som forsvarer saken i de forskjellige utgavene, men fortsatt har de ingen pålitelige kilder.

I den svenske slettediskusjonen er det også påpekt at et av bildene i artikkelen (File:Ferlinghetti meets Immagine&Poesia representatives.jpg) er en grov og banal fotomontasje, for å give indtryk av, at to representanter fra I&P har mødt den anerkjente poeten Ferlinghetti.

  • Slet Som angivet ovenfor --Morten Haugen (diskussion) 7. mar 2016, 18:37 (CET)
  • Slet Efter et hurtigt kik på artiklen ser det ud som cross wiki-spam. Jeg støtter umiddelbar sletning. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 7. mar 2016, 18:57 (CET)
  • Slet - Helt klart under, hvad der kan betegnes som notabelt. Toxophilus (diskussion) 8. mar 2016, 13:23 (CET)
  • Behold== Should be kept ==

Never seen such a cross-wiki-attack coming from one User: Orland. The meeting with poet Ferlinghetti was real and arranged by his spokesman Garrett Caples and was also documented in Italian newspaper La Stampa [[1]] The photo is not a hoax, but a photoshop improvement of the original photo that was not professional enough for uploading on wiki as Angler45 explained. The page is not promotional as it only tells the story of the Movement. When it was deleted on some of the mentioned wikis a book about the Movement was not published yet---Oberon12 (diskussion) 15. mar 2016, 07:54 (CET)

  •  Kommentar Bemærk: overtående bruger (Oberon12) har som eneste redigeringer støtter omkring behold af denne artikel. --Simeon Dahl (diskussion, bidrag) 31. mar 2016, 09:22 (CEST)
Please note that @Oberon12: is an almost fresh user, woken from 3-4 years of slumber, only to engage in this discussions. This must be understood as if the four previous contributors engaged in this article worldwide (Angler45, Alessandroga80, Aeron10 and RiverTeifi) are burned as Single Purpose Accounts.
If there really was a "original photo that was not professional enough", the easiest thing in the world would be to provide this picture now. Please do.
I do not read italian, but according to google translate, the article in La Stampa describes a meeting between only Chiarelli and Ferlinghetti, with no mention of the "movement" we are discussing here. Wheether Chiarelli and some other italian person really met Ferlinghetti i 2013 does anyway not establish any notability for the movement as such. It is more interesting that @Angler45: believed that this photo could be such an important evidence that he had to "improve" it.
Within the Wikipedia system, the basic principle is that the contributors must provide reliable sources for their contributions. This has not been done in this case so far. The most remarkable thing about this, is not that questions are raised now, but that they haven't been asked before. If our concerns were false, and the arguments and sources of the defenders were good enough, this article would have been kept as a good article. Instead, the number of articles have fallen from 69 languages to 29 in two weeks. That is not my work alone, that is a series of independent decisions by different administrators.
Oberon12 tries to establish me as the problem (alternatively [

title=M%C3%BCzakir%C9%99:T%C9%99svir_v%C9%99_poeziya&diff=prev&oldid=3532611 together] with @K9re11: - and yet forgetting swedish sysop @Hangsna: ) Such accusations is an old strategy, and I've met them before, in some of the other cross-wiki-spamming campaigns I've fighted. You can read about them on my en:wp user page: en:User:Orland. I can't blame Oberon12 for not knowing that cross-wiki-spam is quite common on Wikipedia, but they are, and there are several of us trying to deal with it.

@Orland: Congratulations for this amazing result!

With your help, a page re Culture, Art and Poetry has been destroyed in many wikis and will be in others. With the page you have also destroyed the message of Peace and cooperation among peoples of different cultures, a message in which artists and poets of the movement had believed. Next time before proposing the deletion of an article please read and understand the content better. As to the independent reliable sources, articles from poetry reviews of different countries have been added; on your request another photo of the meeting with Ferlinghetti has been uploaded. What's more ?--Oberon12 (diskussion) 17. mar 2016, 08:03 (CET)

There is no such thing as a "cross-wiki-attack" here, Oberon12. This is just good old administrator work to defend the credibility of Wikipedia from being used for promoting someones interests. Please stick to the matter: provide good sources. And; if you can't convince italian Wikipedia to keep an article about the movement, that is not a good token. Bw Morten Haugen (diskussion) 15. mar 2016, 23:35 (CET)
@Morten Haugen. I have uploaded another photo of the meeting of Ferlinghetti with the representative of I&P: [[:File:L.Ferlinghetti and Lidia.jpg.] I perfectly know that the meeting of Ferlinghetti with the representatives of the Movement does not add anything to the notability of I&P. It's you that have based your request of deletion stating that the photo was a hoax !--Angler45 (diskussion) 16. mar 2016, 17:37 (CET)
@Angler45:. This is getting more and more interesting. Now we have
  1. File:Ferlinghetti at Caffe Trieste.jpg
  2. File:Ferlinghetti meets Immagine&Poesia representatives.jpg
  3. File:L.Ferlinghetti and Lidia.jpg
Picture no 1 might be authentic; Picture no 2 is the one up for discussion as a hoax; Picture no 3 is your new one. My first impression is that also this picture no 3 is photoshopped; but I'll leave that for smarter people than me to decide. Ferlinghetti's head has changed place towards the pictures on the wall in the background.
There is a lot of questions coming up here: who is the man to the right in picture 2? (Is he in any way connected to any of the four/five Wikipedia user accounts that has been working with this?) And why - oh why - did you think in the first place that it was a good idea to photoshop him into the picture? Bw Morten Haugen (diskussion) 16. mar 2016, 19:32 (CET)
  • Slet Men modargumenter høres da gerne, på dansk. Og don't feed the troll ved at besvare engelsksprogede indlæg. --Madglad (diskussion) 16. mar 2016, 20:16 (CET)

 Kommentar Skal vi ikke trække en streg i sandet: Der er på 10 dage kun sat én behold på, af de engelsksprogede ukendte skribenter, der bliver ved med at spamme afstemningsdiskussionen. Forslag til konklusion Slet og beskyt mod genoprettelse på ubestemt tid. --Madglad (diskussion) 17. mar 2016, 09:24 (CET)

  • Slet - Som der blev skrevet i sletningsforslaget. Pyrros (diskussion) 17. mar 2016, 09:48 (CET)
    • Behold Immagine & Poesia er helt klart værdig til at være på wikipedia--RiverTeifi (diskussion) 30. mar 2016, 06:50 (CEST)
 Kommentar Fint nok med din stemme, RiverTeifi. Men hvad med at begrunde din stemme, hvorfor er artiklen "værdig"? Og til lykke med at have lært dansk ud over italiensk og engelsk. Tør man spørge om din enorme interesse for dette emne, som er det eneste, du beskæftiger dig med på Wikipedia? --Madglad (diskussion) 30. mar 2016, 07:25 (CEST)

 Kommentar Og jeg efterlyser stadig en konklusion. --Madglad (diskussion) 30. mar 2016, 07:25 (CEST)

      • Behold I think that the real problem is that the page has been repeatedly and obsessively vandalized for weeks on several wikis by User K9re11 (with the help of Orland) who has been putting the templete delete. The page is not promotional, it just tells the story of this Movement that deals with art and poetry. No reason to delete a cultural page... the problem is now "how to stop this vandalism" ? Consider that some administrators removed the templete delete and the day after K9re11 put it again! When I joined Wikipedia I was happy to give my contributions re my cultural fields, but now this seems a spiteful war--Aeron10 (diskussion) 31. mar 2016, 09:13 (CEST)
      • Behold "Immagine & Poesia" is a worldwide Movement, founded by Dylan Thomas'daughter. As another user has pointed out, why is there a wikipedia section with the list of translators available ?: Why do they say Wikipedia is a multilingual project; as such, we may have articles on one subject available in many languages? Believing to do the right thing for artists and poets of different countries, these translations were asked and immediatly released. Why to consider now these translations cross-wiki-spam, if such translators exist ?--Alessandroga80 (diskussion) 7. apr 2016, 11:07 (CEST)
  • Slet Denne kunstnersammenslutning er ikke særligt notabel i forhold til så mange andre kunstnersammenslutninger, de kan da sagtens blive det en dag, men hvis vi skal beholde denne artikel, kan jeg hurtigt komme med de næste 20 kunstnerprojekter, og kan ikke forestille mig et eneste af dem ville blive fundet notable nok. (Skrev vrenak (diskussion • bidrag) 10. apr 2016, 13:41‎. Husk at signere dine indlæg.)
  •  Kommentar Vi har fire brugere, der foreslår vi beholder artiklen, sammenfattende for dem at ingen af dem har bidraget til andre artikler på da wiki, se venligst nedenstående opgørelse:
    • Oberon12 har bidraget til denne diskussion to gange, ellers intet andet på da wiki.
    • RiverTeifi har siden 2010 bidraget til da wiki fem gange, to gange i redigering af denne artikel i 2010, og en foresprørgsel til Knud Winckelmann samt oprettelse af egen brugerside og indlægget i denne diskussion.
    • Aeron10 har siden 2010 bidraget 34 gange til da wiki. De 24 af bidragene er oprettelse og redigering af denne artikel, tre er oprettelese og redigering af egen brugerside, derudover indlæg på et par brugerdiskussionssider, samt redigering af to artikler, hvoraf én redigering efterfølgende er slettet og så selvfølgelig indlæget i denne diskussion.
    • Alessandroga80 har siden 2010 bidraget 18 gange til da wiki. De 13 af bidragene er redigering af denne artikel, to er oprettelese og redigering af egen brugerside, derudover indlæg på et par brugerdiskussionssider og så selvfølgelig indlæget i denne diskussion.
mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 10. apr 2016, 19:58 (CEST)
Konsensus blandt de aktive Wikipedianere om at artiklen skal slettes. --Madglad (diskussion) 10. apr 2016, 20:20 (CEST)
Hvis der er konkluderet på denne diskussion skal artiklen vel slettes?

mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 11. apr 2016, 16:01 (CEST)

Hermed gjort. --Metalindustrien A/S (tidligere Lhademmor) 12. apr 2016, 12:25 (CEST)