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Bruger:Pred/Til Foundation

Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

Nedenstående er et udkast til en klage til Foundation om behandlingen af sagen om anonymisering på den danske Wikipedia. Dette er naturligvis sagen set fra min side, så mit håb er, at I vil se på det, komme med ændringer (og gerne rette op på mit engelske) og måske underskrive den, før den placeres, hvor den har effekt. Om ikke andet kan vi vel håbe på en mere åben debat, hvilket den jo bestemt ikke har været til nu. --Pred (diskussion) 2. feb 2008, 19:56 (CET)

For øvrigt; hvis nogen vil have den omtalte IRC-log med Bass på #wikipedia-da, må de sende mig en mail. (Jeg må vist ikke offentliggøre den.) --Pred (diskussion) 3. feb 2008, 12:56 (CET)

Der lader til at være en del opbakning omkring brevet. Tanken er, at brevet sendes til bestyrelsens formand, Florence Devouard, også kendt som Anthere, når det står færdigt (og da skal jeg nok informere folk, der skrev under på første udkast til brevet). Mit håb er, at alle dawiki-brugere, der føler sig utilfredse med behandlingen, vil give deres besyv med og gerne også deres underskrift. Hvis (og det lader til at være tilfældet) dette er størstedelen af den (diskussions)aktive administratorstabs, såvel som store bidragyderes, holdning, må man næsten forvente, at de i bestyrelsen vil sætte sig ind i og forhåbentlig gøre noget ved sagen. --Pred (diskussion) 4. feb 2008, 19:03 (CET)

Opdatering: For nu lige at holde folk ajour: Sir48 har skrevet et revideret brev, og Cary Bass besøgte igen IRC-kanalen (og der er igen en log derfra, hvis nogen vil læse flere vrede udbrud ...) sammen med Wikimediajuristen Mike Godwin, der berettede om Wikimedias modvilje mod sagsanlæg, om de så er uden grundlag som denne eller ej. Efterfølgende har der været nogen diskussion med Bass på OTRS, og hvad der er skrevet her, skal jeg ikke kunne sige, men Bass har nu forfattet et landsbybrøndindlæg med en undskyldning for opførslen på diskussionssiderne samt en forklaring af sagen (dog uden videre stillingstagen til censuren). Jeg tolker dette som en opfordring til diskussion (hvad der hidtil ikke har været meget vilje for), og jeg foreslår, at den diskussion tages på brønden, og at nedenstående klageindsendelse stilles i bero indtil videre (medmindre I endnu er ivrige efter at inddrage andre heri?) --Pred (diskussion) 9. feb 2008, 19:23 (CET)

On the censorship of Wikipedias[redigér | rediger kildetekst]

What follows is a formal objection to the apparent censoring of the Danish Wikipedia as well as what is seen as unbecoming conduct from a Wikimedia employee.

As you may or may not know, a DaWiki contributor named Rasmus Paludan (who is currently blocked for the fourth time after having severely tested the patience of the community by repeated personal attacks and other transgressions), recognised as a spanner in the works also outside the wiki communities and even by his own admission, contacted OTRS to try to get his name removed entirely from the Danish Wikipedia. This request was accepted by volunteer coordinator Cary Bass, who appears to have performed only a cursory investigation into the case but nevertheless decided to order the complete removal of said name without consulting the users of the Danish Wikipedia and without making his decision public on the Danish Wikipedia.

Seemingly a covert act of censorship by a person whose job description (as listed at http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Volunteer_Coordinator) does not seem mandate any such action, the majority of the active contributors in the Danish IRC channel are rather miffed by this. During his brief appearance in this channel, Bass justified his actions using the Right to Vanish "policy", claiming that supposedly everyone on every Wikipedia has the right to vanish, even though http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Right_to_vanish&oldid=859108 clearly states "Your work, including 'signatures' (text indicating your authorship of comments) on all but your own user and talk pages, will usually not be changed or removed. To change these would be a major source of disruption." Since then, Bass has formulated a draft available at http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Bastique/Real_names_of_non-encyclopedic_individuals&oldid=860462 which seems to describe his understanding of "the right to vanish" but which some might see as an attempt to build a case for denying local Wikipedias their independence and retroactively give Bass mandate for his actions on DaWiki. Bass himself ignored any invitation to discuss the matter on-wiki (as is apparent from IRC logs ("To reduce drama") and discussion page reverts), instead he has chosen to meet attempts to open a dialog on the matter with hostility (for instance accusing da:Bruger:Lhademmor of illiteracy (http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk%3ABastique&diff=858669&oldid=858667) after his friendly proposal – this seems highly inappropriate given Bass' position).

The only reasonable thing to do is to undo this semi-tacitly imposed censorship and instead use the Danish village pump (http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:L) to try to reach consensus on what should be done, so that all users might comment on the case. Hopefully consensus can be reached without anyone bulldozing through a particular outcome rather than listen to the DaWiki community. It is entirely possible the conclusion will be the same, but then it will be a product of free debate and not of dictatorship, which is what one might be tempted to call this act that is possibly the single most un-Wikipedian act in the history of DaWiki.

As it stands this secretive "drama reduction" has caused the alienation and departure of long time valued contributors, including admins, who did not wish to be part of dictated censorship. That is surely not in the interest of the Foundation?
