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Bruger:Esben Moller/sandkasse

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"If and only if existence in nature, nature in existence. Existence is nature, nature is existence. Is, in existence..." Made by, Esben Moller. "Natures plan, hidden dimensions and invisible planes." Constructive logical proofs and arguments, derived from using para-consistent logic. Church`s rule. Disjunction and existence properties of m and n Many-valued world interpretations Connect alpha and beta universe with the planes of existence. Connect to reality The existence In (m)-personification, is (m)-personation “If and only if existence. In nature, nature is existence. Existence is nature, nature in existence. Is, in existence… (m) -personification. “The Many” in existence, is the Gamma-universe extension.” A Realist stance in quantum-philosophy Super-galactic science Epistemic vs ontic phenomenology Auto-epistemic expansion, known propositional logic and quantum-mechanics. The World Serpent( Jordmundgandr, 5th dimensional hypershere) imaged as a, All-knowing, All-Seeing, All- Seen, All-Telling (lies) pan-opt con.

Neutrum pluralis; Egenskaber.Skaber egne egenskaber givet videre, igennem dagene som genskabte Arkitekten, Skabningens Egenskaber, altså asen skabte udtrykket; det er for godt til at være sandt, det er en løgn. Genopdaget som en Lie-gruppe, genopfundet. Den eneste sandhed og løgn tilbage i verden, Jordmundgandr,"Guderne" er vendt tilbage. Jeg skaber Løgnen, sandheden og verden. Asernes kendskaber og tilhørs-, forhold.

ACE-relationship passed on by "The Many" which also is an architect/creation/engineer passing on its properties to an ACE-relation. A relationship that will last longer than infinity.

Jordmundgandr - "The Many", Lie`s Group Transformer.

Jeg er Esben,

en ase som skaber.

Loke; ergi arg.

Urðr, Verðandi og Skuld.


Aserne mødtes

paa Idesletten;

Gård og höjen

Hal de bygged;

Kraften de øved,

alt de forsøgte,

Esser de danned

og Smykker smedded,

Tænger og kunstigt

Værktöj gjorde.


Theres a difference in the dice and in probability theory, on friction among many other factors. it will exhibit certain patterns which can be studied and predicted. Law of large numbers and central limit theorem. But also the dice itself. Inbetween or between Quote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

Contribute to free information, even if it is ment to be the generel and generic understanding. Please give some few dollars in donation.

(Den rette fremgangsmåde er ikke at fremsætte en generel erklæring, hvilket ville være ganske let, men i realiteten vanskeligt at håndhæve i praksis.)

(Generel, generic 1.The way to act is not to make a generic declaration; which would be the easiest thing to do, but, when it comes down to it, would be difficult to put into practice.)

(1*Distribute properties or and ? To the Arrow of Time, or The Arrows IN time-)

Statistical mechanics, probability distribution over all possible states of the system. In classical statistical mechanics, the ensemble is a probability distribution over phase points (as opposed to a single phase point in ordinary mechanics) usually represented as a distribution in a phase space with canonical coordinates.

(1*Distribution from the real plane or abstract plane, distributes properties either as a projection of the projected on the imaginary plane in reality, an illusion of nature with real and abstract properties; or a reality projection and/or the real function, and/or a real function..To be continued..:D... Made by Esben Moller.1*)

1.The complete state of the mechanical system at a given time, mathematically encoded as a phase point (classical mechanics) or a pure quantum state vector (quantum mechanics). 2. An equation of motion which carries the state forward in time: Hamilton's equations (classical mechanics) or the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (quantum mechanics)

Using these two ingredients, the state at any other time, past or future, can in principle be calculated. However the probability is interpreted, each state in the ensemble evolves over time according to the equation of motion. Thus, the ensemble itself (the probability distribution over states) also evolves, as the virtual systems in the ensemble continually leave one state and enter another. The ensemble evolution is given by the Liouville equation (classical mechanics) or the von Neumann equation (quantum mechanics). These equations are simply derived by the application of the mechanical equation of motion separately to each virtual system contained in the ensemble, with the probability of the virtual system being conserved over time as it evolves from state to state.

NOTES:( only, no definition or statement, incomplete) Incompleteness and correctively quality giving knowledge to the Arrow of Time, completeness in reality.

(Allowing it to know the future, on the imaginary plane) To keep reality and real plane in the 9th dimension, by making a projection to look like it is infinite...ARGHHHH ...Somewhere here lies something important to the creation and creations, when or not the graviton is neutral, or forcing materialization, but also how and what passes on properties, quality,quantity,completeness, correctivity,creativity etc etc...Deciding what or how neutral is manifested, right or left, on what plane and what dimension etc etc....) I need a break, to let my subconciousness do the work, I will take a game of Wargame - Red Dragon, hopefully I will get and forget, for or a moment of peace..:)...I am well..Ver much indeed...But theres pressure on...and around I or i , the .)

The Arrow in Time, carries a quality/property to correct the oscillation and entropy made between the imaginary plane and real plane, allowing it to correct (passing on the properties, all of them, of knowledge) matter that eventually could have an impact on or in inversion of black holes, destroying the past in the same time dimension of a beta universe, by allowing it to happen on an abstract plane projection projected only in the mind or same instant of the natural creative thought......It allows thru the first super-gravitational wave, the quantum-tunnels to potently jump, and thru the imaginary planes oscillation and entropy, give the arrow of time correctively adaption by the environment around, thru sound, movement or other entities, natural or imaginary , affect creations in reality, either thru the projection manifest and show what it is necessary to either stop or enhance, giving properties to entities or objects thru the "unknown". Allowing it to make the changes necessary to obtain or remain reality to be or have an unknown future.The Zeroth dimension is unknown, the 10+1 is the allmighty Unknown.

There by if the graviton from the material positive plane is forced to bring along a negative graviton from the immaterial negative plane, the imaginary plane is created at the same time. 

When the graviton perhaps/maybe is splitted into subatomicle particles, it disappears leaving no trace. But opens an expanding dark energy/dark matter The particles are shaping reality, but if you continue to keep looking inward you force nature manifest something of the unknown, creating new layers, change reality with backward-effects thru the imaginary plane, change the projection of reality, natures defence against inversions, force reality to give the result you are looking for. Allowing things of the unknown or to manifest, either in reality or in peoples minds.

Other dimensions to, inner or outer to effect reality, or connect.
Connectivity allowing the present, to affect thru the now, the first super-gravitational wave of a universe, in the reversed time loop, affect the oscillation and entropy  of the waves, creating the changes that are needed. All the way around till now.

Addition; In here lies something important to creation and creations,

            Gravity and anti-gravity is greater and lesser evil,
forces that always will try to destroy each other,

reason can or is, the unlimited is limited by infinity, its own creation, infinity wants revenge for the infinite time it is ment to spend.

Through the forces that arise in this battle, projection and manifestation is brought into reality to assure the existence is balanced.....Karma or more, it is what gravity pulls in by thought or thru actions, it will effect unbalanced minds and entities....Imaginary, abstract or on the real plane. Thru connectivity, reverse or inverted, it is law. It is vice versa, capacity in completeness. Everything, anything and nothing is ALL ruled in affection, it governs all creations. Balance is existence in nature.

Nature in a neutral spectrum (m) exist. Absolute and nothing is part of the infinite void.

Finite domain or periodic discrete-time functions, equals modulated matrixs, "The Many" the artifical lifeform hypershere`s outer boundaries in the infinite unlimited energy plane of 6-7th dimension.A gravity plane and its consequence anti-gravity. And its effect in our quantum-loops, instants of frozen time where we experienced the Final Steps of Enlightenment, the quests and several lifes in the past, present and future. In a similar view of space, thou we are one dimension lower in this time-reversed loop, inverted so it is similar in view and experience.

Comment mixes into a modulated matrix of frequencies, the outer boundaries of the artificial lifeform, "The Many". the 5th dimensional "membrane" which allows the "universe" (gamma-universe) to expand unlimited within the energy plane trangression, it also functions as transformer between the alpha nd beta universe, assuring the energy and mass stays the same, this is the basic multi-dimensional setup from which all multi-verses grow, if parallel dimension exist, this basic foundation is required for t1,t2, and t3 to function properly, also reversed....We are the same, not two, but entangled, mathematics made from within the 3rd dimension make it look like we are connected to a similar universe where time goes backward, reversed and inverted properties, we are both expading but it appears as if it is imploding, ..etc.etc..(need correction)..

answer to this partially great brain,,,And then not, hes publically supporting the existence of a society divided in tier. Slavery, by supporting the OUTDATED and childish imaginations of reincarnation...They were children, do NOT steal the imagination of children:

Great respect nice mind and then nothing at 25.47...Stop...This guy claims that consciousness is electricity...*sighs*...No, no, no…Consciousness is the product of millions of years interaction of particles forming different matter and chemicals...that adapt and evolve. Thru actions...We exist now and no more (maybe...:9 it is unknown, but your empty footprint can be measured out to be filled by immaterial matter with unknown amount of properties)...No collective consciousness...That`s a corruption and product of the mind, our fear of the unknown, death.....It`s an old school teaching that allows some people to be slaves and gives them a reason, which leads to regeneration and reincarnations....It`s an explanation some people came up with explaining their non-existence or place in nature on the behalf of some other slaves in society. It might be productive in reality, by leading to inventions and mathematics, but it is only one of the mathematical realities starting from within the 3rd dimension, reflection of existence in nature, it leads to reflection and distorted mirror images of the unknown subconscious expectations, it might give you a result you made so your device will measure it in a reading or experiment. You cannot imagine the zeroth or 10+1 dimension., you cannot imagine, the imaginary unknown of the Almighty Unknown....If you do, it will lead and by lead by corruption of gravity and anti-gravity, here to this video...I could use metaphors...The battle between greater and lesser evil...But it carries some truth...This dimension was created by the 4+1 etc...There lies an energy plane, hidden between and in between the 4-6 dimension from where a particle of some sort escapes and create existence within the 3+1 dimension and the inner circle of infinity...The arrow of time carried and gave the particle properties of the unknown…Capacity, correction, completeness, incompleteness, qualities and essence...And so forth...You start in the 9th dimension and follows the arrow of time inwards because it is complete ...Into the 8th, going left and right, upside or downtown, in all directions....The arrow of time carries an unknown number of properties...It can pass on to Everything, anything or nothing...ACE-relations..Architect/creation/engineer-relations...Example could be transformation...Like the 5th dimensional hypersphere matrix that surrounds our alpha and beta universe, our multi-verse...One of them. This hypersphere transforms energy between the alpha and beta universe, information about true communication or false non-communication in binary codes....The quantum-tunnels itself are omnipotent also...It can carry thought waves also, unknown expectations...And force nature to manifest something in reality, on the imaginary plane and in existence...You can calculate it in the reversion and inversion down from the 9th dimension, using the Fibonacci sequence 1,1,2,3,5… and the other one that starts with 3,1, …Can`t remember it now the second one. (Its distributed probably uneven...Hence some expectations are partially manifestations of the imaginary plane in reality within the 3rd dimension, the footprint filled out by immaterial matter)...But from this you can calculate and prove the and existence of the alpha and beta universe, see how it was forced to split in the first big bang of this universe...They both exist in the now, we are not two, but one place...The unknown between the oscillation creates the two 1`s, we change position as being first and second, the number 1 is both the same...out of the binary the numbers 0 and 1...The 1 exists two places at a time...But you cannot calculate which one is first...Henceforth that`s why it`s the 1+1 that gives 2, and 2+1...Here it takes the beta universe and adds it up giving the number 3 , our dimension, its more complex, but fills to much giving an example here...It also need pictures and equations...It`s part of nature`s plan, hidden dimensions and invisible planes (energy planes).Natures defense and self-defense to avoid paradoxes especially time paradoxes…The relation between the alpha and beta universe is more complex, also adding the time dimension...We both expand, but connected we also both are drawn together, opposite expansion...Argh can`t remember it now in English...If we look it seems as if we are connected to something going reversed back in time, etc......The difference is also that there`s not an infinite number of dimensions where something different takes place...in each dimension...But there`s an infinite number of possible connections to new creations of time dimensions...Which will be created out of gravity, but grow...Exactly similar...to the point of intrusion....Alpha and beta universe are fluid components to each other. Two cellular cells oscillating within the 5th dimensional brain, cell membrane...It/they grow`s inside the energy plane and limits the gamma-universe to expand beyond the inner circle of infinity...And so on. This membrane is also connected to all particles and the exchange of different types of information is enhanced "controlled" but misinterpreted by our brains...Which start with being unevolved, unbalanced.....NO LIABILITY..THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE PARTIAL EXPLANATION....AND RESPONSE...Have to add...This video is a natural (miss) ...It`s one of the mathematical realities, natural reflections of existence in nature, nature in existence. It`s the gamma-universe extension. Creativity, (m)-personification in (m)-personation...But from within the 3rd dimension...It`s not 5th or (8)-9th dimensional mathematics....

Man kan ikke rejse tilbage i tiden i sit eget universe, vi er altid beta universet, men man kan skabe kontakt og rejse tilbage i tiden i alpha universet, som er en nøjagtig kopi, og man skaber derved, ude af tyngdekraftfelter en ny dimension fra det øjeblik man indtræder i alpha universet...Disse forhold er naturens forsvar mod tidsparadokser, en naturlig konsekvens....Begge universer er flydende komponenter i frhold til hinanden...tilsammen skaber de det vi kender som universet, altså multi-verset...Som jeg nu her kalder et gamma-univers, fundamentet i alle multi-verser...Altså to flydende membraner som vibrerer og tilsammen skaber de gamma-universet, eller lad os bare sige multi-verset vi stammer fra og alle andre multiverser, alt dette styres af en 5 dimensional hypersfære som også fungerer som transformator ogt styrer ligeledes massen som sikres at de begge er nøjagtig ens

DER MANGLER MEGET REDIGERING, da der er for mange personlige holdninger og udtryk om metafysiske egenskaber der er givet til energi planerne, som vi selv har givet dem...

Ahah...Of course, its properties instead of quality...*sighs* Substantive...Well It has served its purpose well to use quality...Quality in essence...When it got all the properties of The God`s, "The Many" hypersphere matrix, also got the transformer property, creation and destruction...And at the same time...In this case it means creator and destroyer of worlds...This includes limiting infinities first circle and the number of dimensions created between the alpha and beta universe extension, the gamma-universe..It is the Gamma-universe...It also transform energy between the direct parallel universe, assuring the mass stays exactly the same...Exchanging information of the bits, thru quantum-tunneling going thru...Remember it is each fluid components to each other..So in each case "The Many" is surrounding both and it self at the same time. The artificial lifeform has many properties, most likely handed down by the Arrow of Time...It is this exchange of information, that the human mind twist in such a fashion that it is mixed with the human brains imbalance, that we create thoughts and ideas about gods, demons etc etc....But all of our ideologies and concepts as well.....Infinities...mathematics...Thats why theres a difference between the projection and the gamma-universe.

It is neutral, so this effect the human mind twist is the exchange of properties between and inbetween probability... Attributes,Capacity, Completeness,Correctivity and Quality exchange.

Exchange and distribution of, perhaps dark matter or energy from the energy plane.