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Dette modul indeholder en tabel med filnavne for nationalflag på Commons med angivelse af de perioder de er brugt i.

Tabelnøglerne er Wikidata-emne for landet. Tabelværdierne er tabeller med IOC landekode efterfulgt af en eller flere tabeller med filnavn og evt. start- og sluttidspunkt for dets brug. Tidspunkter er kodet som tekster svarerne til begyndelsen af tidsværdi-strenge på Wikidata.

Brug[rediger kildetekst]

Indlæs tabellen i andre moduler med mw.loadData.

-- Filnavne for nationalflag på Commons efter land og tidspunktunkt

-- The flags table is copied from [[Module:Cycling Race]]

return {
flags = {
	Q16 = {'CAN', {'Flag of Canada.svg', '+1965-02-15'}},
	Q17 = {'JPN', {'Flag of Japan.svg', '+1999-08-13'}},
	Q20 = {'NOR', {'Flag of Norway.svg', '+1821-07-13'}},
	Q27 = {'IRL', {'Flag of Ireland.svg', '+1937-12-29'}},
	Q28 = {'HUN', {'Flag of Hungary.svg', '+1957-05-23'}},
	Q29 = {'ESP', {'Flag of Spain.svg', '+1981-12-06'},
		{'Flag of Spain (1977–1981).svg', '+1977-01-21', '+1981-12-06'},
		{'Flag of Spain (1945–1977).svg', '+1945-10-11', '+1977-01-21'},
		{'Flag of Spain (1938–1945).svg', '+1939', '+1945-10-11'},
		{'Flag of the Second Spanish Republic.svg', '+1931-04-14', '+1939'},
		{'Flag of Spain (1785–1873, 1875–1931).svg', '+1874', '+1931-04-13'}},
	Q30 = {'USA', {'Flag of the United States.svg', '+1960-07-04'}},
	Q31 = {'BEL', {'Flag of Belgium (civil).svg'}},
	Q32 = {'LUX', {'Flag of Luxembourg.svg'}},
	Q33 = {'FIN', {'Flag of Finland.svg', '+1918-05-29'}},
	Q34 = {'SWE', {'Flag of Sweden.svg'}},
	Q35 = {'DEN', {'Flag of Denmark.svg'}},
	Q36 = {'POL', {'Flag of Poland.svg'}},
	Q37 = {'LTU', {'Flag of Lithuania.svg', '+2004-09-01'},
		{'Flag of Lithuania (1988-2004).svg', '+1990-03-11', '+2004-09-01'}},
	Q38 = {'ITA', {'Flag of Italy.svg', '+1946-06-19'},
		{'Flag of Italy (1861–1946).svg', '+1861', '+1946-06-19'}},
	Q39 = {'SUI', {'Flag of Switzerland.svg', '+1889-12-12'},
		{'Flag of Switzerland.svg', '+1879-01-01'}},
	Q40 = {'AUT', {'Flag of Austria.svg', '+1945-05-01'}},
	Q41 = {'GRE', {'Flag of Greece.svg', '+1978'}},
	Q43 = {'TUR', {'Flag of Turkey.svg'}},
	Q45 = {'POR', {'Flag of Portugal.svg', '+1911-06-30'}},
	Q55 = {'NED', {'Flag of the Netherlands.svg', '+1806'}},
	Q77 = {'URU', {'Flag of Uruguay.svg'}},
	Q96 = {'MEX', {'Flag of Mexico.svg', '+1968-09-16'},
		{'Flag of Mexico (1934-1968).svg', '+1934', '+1968-09-16'}},
	Q114 = {'KEN', {'Flag of Kenya.svg'}},
	Q115 = {'ETH', {'Flag of Ethiopia.svg', '+1996-10-31'}},
	Q142 = {'FRA', {'Flag of France.svg', '+1794-05-20'}},
	Q145 = {'GBR', {'Flag of the United Kingdom.svg'}},
	Q148 = {'CHN', {"Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg", '+1985'}},
	Q155 = {'BRA', {'Flag of Brazil.svg', '+1992-05-11'},
		{'Flag of Brazil (1968–1992).svg', '+1968-05-28', '+1992-05-11'}},
	Q159 = {'RUS', {'Flag of Russia.svg', '+1993-12-11'},
		{'Flag of Russia (1991–1993).svg', '+1991-08-22', '+1993-12-11'},
		{'Flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.svg', '+1954', '+1991-08-22'},
		{'Flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1937–1954).svg', '+1937', '+1954'}},
	Q183 = {'GER', {'Flag of Germany.svg', '+1949-05-23'},
		{'Flag of the German Reich (1935–1945).svg', '+1935-09-15', '+1945-05-23'},
		{'Flag of the German Reich (1933–1935).svg', '+1933-03-12', '+1935-09-15'},
		{'Flag of Germany (3-2 aspect ratio).svg', '+1919-04-11', '+1933-03-12'},
		{'Flag of the German Empire.svg', '+1871-04-16', '+1919-04-11'}},
	Q184 = {'BLR', {'Flag of Belarus.svg', '+2012-05-11'},
		{'Flag of Belarus (1995–2012).svg', '+1995-06-07', '+2012-05-11'}},
	Q191 = {'EST', {'Flag of Estonia.svg'}},
	Q211 = {'LAT', {'Flag of Latvia.svg'}},
	Q212 = {'UKR', {'Flag of Ukraine.svg', '+1992-01-28'}},
	Q213 = {'CZE', {'Flag of the Czech Republic.svg', '+1920-03-30'}},
	Q214 = {'SVK', {'Flag of Slovakia.svg'}},
	Q215 = {'SLO', {'Flag of Slovenia.svg'}},
	Q217 = {'MDA', {'Flag of Moldova.svg'}},
	Q218 = {'ROU', {'Flag of Romania.svg', '+1989-12-27'},
		{'Flag of Romania (1965-1989).svg', '+1989-12-27', '+1965'},
		{'Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg', '+1952', '+1965'},
		{'Flag of Romania (1948-1952).svg', '+1948-01-08', '+1952'},
		{'Flag of Romania.svg', '12. april 1867-04-12', '+1948-01-08'}},
	Q219 = {'BUL', {'Flag of Bulgaria.svg', '+1990-11-22'},
		{'Flag of Bulgaria (1971 – 1990).svg', '+1971-05-18', '+1990-11-22'}},
	Q222 = {'ALB', {'Flag of Albania.svg', '+1992'}},
	Q224 = {'CRO', {'Flag of Croatia.svg', '+1990-12-21'},
		{'Flag of Croatia (white chequy).svg', '+1990-06-27', '+1990-12-21'}},
	Q227 = {'AZE', {'Flag of Azerbaijan.svg'}},
	Q228 = {'AND', {'Flag of Andorra.svg'}},
	Q229 = {'CYP', {'Flag of Cyprus.svg', '+2006-08-20'},
		{'Flag of Cyprus (1960-2006).svg', '+1960-08-16', '+2006-08-20'}},
	Q232 = {'KAZ', {'Flag of Kazakhstan.svg'}},
	Q238 = {'SMR', {'Flag of San Marino.svg'}},
	Q241 = {'CUB', {'Flag of Cuba.svg'}},
	Q252 = {'INA', {'Flag of Indonesia.svg'}},
	Q258 = {'RSA', {'Flag of South Africa.svg', '+1994-04-27'},
		{'Flag of South Africa (1928–1994).svg', '+1928-05-31', '+1994-04-27'}},
	Q262 = {'ALG', {'Flag of Algeria.svg'}},
	Q265 = {'UZB', {'Flag of Uzbekistan.svg'}},
	Q298 = {'CHI', {'Flag of Chile.svg'}},
	Q334 = {'SGP', {'Flag of Singapore.svg'}},
	Q347 = {'LIE', {'Flag of Liechtenstein.svg'}},
	Q398 = {'BRN', {'Flag of Bahrain.svg', '+2002-02-14'}},
	Q403 = {'SRB', {'Flag of Serbia.svg', '+2004-08-18'},
		{'Flag of Serbia (1992–2004).svg', '+1992-04-27', '+2004-08-17'}},
	Q408 = {'AUS', {'Flag of Australia.svg'}},
	Q414 = {'ARG', {'Flag of Argentina.svg'}},
	Q664 = {'NZL', {'Flag of New Zealand.svg'}},
	Q711 = {'MGL', {'Flag of Mongolia.svg'}},
	Q717 = {'VEN', {'Flag of Venezuela.svg', '+2006'}},
	Q736 = {'ECU', {'Flag of Ecuador.svg'}},
	Q739 = {'COL', {'Flag of Colombia.svg'}},
	Q750 = {'BOL', {'Flag of Bolivia.svg', '+1851-10-31'}},
	Q786 = {'DOM', {'Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg'}},
	Q794 = {'IRI', {'Flag of Iran.svg', '+1980-07-29'},
		{'Flag of Iran (1964–1980).svg', '+1964', '+1980-07-29'}},
	Q800 = {'CRC', {'Flag of Costa Rica (state).svg', '+1906-11-27'}},
	Q801 = {'ISR', {'Flag of Israel.svg'}},
	Q817 = {'KUW', {'Flag of Kuwait.svg', '+1961-09-07'}},
	Q833 = {'MAS', {'Flag of Malaysia.svg', '+1963-09-16'}},
	Q842 = {'OMA', {'Flag of Oman.svg', '+1995'}},
	Q846 = {'QAT', {'Flag of Qatar.svg'}},
	Q865 = {'TPE', {'Flag of the Republic of China.svg', '+1928-12-17'}},
	Q869 = {'THA', {'Flag of Thailand.svg'}},
	Q878 = {'UAE', {'Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg'}},
	Q884 = {'KOR', {'Flag of South Korea.svg', '+1997-10'}},
	Q928 = {'PHI', {'Flag of the Philippines.svg', '+1998'}},
	Q948 = {'TUN', {'Flag of Tunisia.svg', '+1999-07-03'}},
	Q965 = {'BUR', {'Flag of Burkina Faso.svg'}},
	Q986 = {'ERI', {'Flag of Eritrea.svg'}},
	Q1000 = {'GAB', {'Flag of Gabon.svg', '+1960-08-09'}},
	Q1008 = {'CIV', {"Flag of Côte d'Ivoire.svg"}},
	Q1009 = {'CMR', {'Flag of Cameroon.svg'}},
	Q1028 = {'MAR', {'Flag of Morocco.svg'}},
	Q1036 = {'UGA', {'Flag of Uganda.svg', '+1962-10-09'}},
	Q1037 = {'RWA', {'Flag of Rwanda.svg', '+2001-10-25'},
		{'Flag of Rwanda (1962–2001).svg', '+1962', '+2001-10-25'}},
	Q9676 = {'IMN', {'Flag of the Isle of Man.svg'}},
	Q15180 = {'URS', {'Flag of the Soviet Union.svg', '+1980-08-15', '+1991-12-25'},
		{'Flag of the Soviet Union (1955–1980).svg', '+1955-08-19', '+1980-08-14'}},
	Q16957 = {'GDR', {'Flag of East Germany.svg', '+1959-10-01'},
		{'Flag of Germany.svg', '+1949-10-07', '+1959-10-01'}}, --German Democratic Republic
	Q8646 = {'HKG', {'Flag of Hong Kong.svg'}},
	Q29999 = {'NED', {'Flag of the Netherlands.svg', '+1690'}}, --Kingdom of the Netherlands
	Q33946 = {'TCH', {'Flag of the Czech Republic.svg', '+1920'}}, -- Czechoslovakia (1918–1992)
	Q36704 = {'YUG', {'Flag of Yugoslavia (1992–2003).svg', '+1992-04-27', '+2003-02-04'}, --Yugoslavia
		{'Flag of Yugoslavia (1943–1992).svg', '+1946', '+1992-04-27'}},
	Q83286 = {'YUG', {'Flag of Yugoslavia (1943–1992).svg'}}, --Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
	Q172579 = {'ITA', {'Flag of Italy (1861–1946).svg'}}, --Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946)
	Q713750 = {'FRG', {'Flag of Germany.svg'}}, --West Germany
	Q13474305 = {'ESP', {'Flag of Spain (1945–1977).svg', '+1945-10-11', '+1977-01-21'}, -- Francoist Spain (1935-1976)
		{'Flag of Spain (1938–1945).svg', '+1939', '+1945-10-11'},
		{'Flag of the Second Spanish Republic.svg', '+1931-04-14', '+1939'}},