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Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
This template has the short name of {{Wd}} as an alias.

This moduldiskussion is intended to fetch data from Wikidata with or without a link to the connected Wikipedia article.

The moduldiskussion is under development and is not yet complete. Of the available datatypes, it currently supports strings, quantities, monolingual text, time and globe coordinates.


  • property
    Returns the requested property or list of properties from the given item.
  • qualifier
    Returns the requested qualifier or list of qualifiers from the given property of the given item.
  • propertyWithQualifier
    Returns the requested property and its requested qualifier or a list thereof from the given item, with the qualifier formatted between parentheses behind the property and with units of measurement if applicable.
  • label
    Returns the label of the given item or property. In case of an item that has no label, the title of the linked page will be returned instead if it exists.
  • title
    Returns the title of the page linked to the given item if it exists. Any label of the item will never be returned instead.


[rediger kildetekst]

The following flags are available which can be used to alter this moduldiskussion's behaviour. For convenience, empty flags (i.e. ||) are allowed and will simply be ignored.

  • linked
    Creates a link to the Wikipedia article that is connected to the property or qualifier if it exists. Also links units of measurement that may be appended to values.
    If this parameter is omitted, then the plain property or qualifier value will be returned.
  • short (EXPENSIVE when used)
    Gets the short name (P1813) of any item returned if they have one attached. If that is not the case, then the default behaviour of returning the item label will occur.
  • single
    Returns only a single value instead of multiple (if multiple claims match). The returned value is the first match found from the best-ranked claims.
  • mdy
    Returns date values in month_day_year order instead of day_month_year order.
  • refs
    Adds any available references to the output.
  • One of:
    best (default)
    Sets a rank constraint for the selected claims.
    The latter three can be followed by a + or a -, e.g.normal+ or preferred-, where the first selects claims with a 'normal' rank or higher and the second selects claims with a 'preferred' rank or lower. To get claims of all ranks, use preferred- or deprecated+.
    Output is always sorted from highest rank to lowest (regardless of this flag being set).
  • One of:
    Sets a time constraint for the selected claims. Uses the claims' qualifiers of start time (P580) and end time (P582) to determine if the claim is valid for the selected time period.
  • raw
    Returns the raw value if applicable.
    If this flag is used with item or property datatypes, then this will return the Q-identifier or P-identifier.
    For quantity datatypes, this flag will strip off any units of measurement.
    If this flag is used with time datatypes, then the returned date will be in the format of year-month-day (e.g. 1731-2-11). Dates in the Julian calendar stored with a precision of days through millenniums will have /Julian attached to the output (e.g. 1731-2-11/Julian, which may be split off using the {{#titleparts}} template function).
    If it is used with globe coordinate datatypes, then it replaces the various symbols with forward slashes in the returned value (e.g. 52/5/3/N/4/19/3/E, which may be split into parts using the {{#titleparts}} template function).

Below follows a description of all possible arguments for each function.

property | [<flags>] | [<item_id>] | <property_id>

  • <flags> (optional)
    A list of flags (see above).
  • <item_id> (optional, EXPENSIVE when used)
    Q-identifier of the item to be accessed (e.g. Q55).
    If this parameter is omitted, then the item connected to the current page will be used.
  • <property_id>
    P-identifier or an available alias of the property to be accessed (e.g. P38).

qualifier | [<flags>] | [<item_id>] | <property_id> | [<claim_id_or_value>] | <qualifier_id>

  • <flags> (optional)
    A list of flags (see above).
  • <item_id> (optional, EXPENSIVE when used)
    Q-identifier of the item to be accessed (e.g. Q55).
    If this parameter is omitted, then the item connected to the current page will be used.
  • <property_id>
    P-identifier or an available alias of the property to be accessed (e.g. P38).
  • <claim_id_or_value> (optional)
    Either the Q-identifier of the particular claim to be accessed (e.g. Q6655) or a literal value (i.e. string or quantity etc., no item label) equal to the claim to be accessed.
    Dates as literal values must be formatted year-month-day (e.g. 1731-2-11) for dates with a precision of days, year-month (e.g. 1731-2) for dates with a precision of months, and year (e.g. 1731) for dates of lesser precision without any spaces or leading zeros. Dates BCE require a minus sign in front of the year (e.g. -2950-1-31). Dates stored in the Julian calendar must have /Julian attached to the end (e.g. 1731-2-11/Julian). Decades like the 2010s must be given as 2010 (but the 2010s BCE as -2019), centuries like the 20th century as 1901 (but the 20th century BCE as -2000), and millenniums like the 3rd millennium as 2001 (but the 3rd millennium BCE as -3000).
    Globe coordinates as literal values must be formatted with forward slashes (i.e. /) between the parts and no symbols (e.g. 52/5/3/N/4/19/3/E) without any spaces or leading zeros.
    The special type 'no value' can be given by entering the empty string (i.e. ||) and the special type 'unknown value' can be given by entering a space (i.e. ||).
    If this parameter is omitted, then all claims (matching any other constraints) within the property will be accessed.
  • <qualifier_id>
    P-identifier or an available alias of the qualifier to be accessed (e.g. P518).


[rediger kildetekst]

propertyWithQualifier | [<flags>] | [<item_id>] | <property_id> | [<claim_id_or_value>] | <qualifier_id>
This function is equivalent to qualifier, except that the property is also returned with the qualifier between parentheses behind it.

label | [<flags>] | [<item_or_property_id>]

  • <flags> (optional)
    A list of flags (see above).
  • <item_or_property_id> (optional)
    Q-identifier of the item (e.g. Q55) or P-identifier (or an available alias) of the property (e.g. P38) to be accessed.
    If this parameter is omitted, then the item connected to the current page will be used.

title | [<flags>] | [<item_id>]

  • <flags> (optional)
    A list of flags (see above).
  • <item_id> (optional)
    Q-identifier of the item to be accessed (e.g. Q55).
    If this parameter is omitted, then the item connected to the current page will be used.

Named properties

[rediger kildetekst]

Named properties are aliases for P-identifiers. The following named properties (which are case-sensitive) are currently available:

Alias translates
coord P625
author P50
publisher P123
importedFrom P143
statedIn P248
publicationDate P577
startTime P580
endTime P582
retrieved P813
referenceURL P854
archiveURL P1065
title P1476
quote P1683
shortName P1813
language P2439
archiveDate P2960
  • Q55 (Holland), P395 (bilkendingsbogstaver): [string]
{{wd|property|Q55|P395}} → NL

  • Q55 (Holland), P1549 (demonym): [monolingual text]
{{wd|property|Q55|P1549}} → nederlænder

If the moduldiskussion is transcluded on the Holland page (which is linked to Q55), then the Q55 can be omitted:

  • P1549 (demonym): [monolingual text]
{{wd|property|P1549}} → nederlænder

property with rank

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P38 (valuta): [item label]
best rank (default)
{{wd|property|Q55|P38}} → euro
{{wd|property|raw|Q55|P38}} → Q4916
{{wd|property|best|Q55|P38}} → euro
other ranks
{{wd|property|preferred|Q55|P38}} → euro
{{wd|property|normal+|Q55|P38}} → euro
{{wd|property|normal|Q55|P38}} → Nederlandske gylden

property with time constraint

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P38 (valuta): [item label]
{{wd|property|normal+|current|Q55|P38}} → euro
{{wd|property|normal+|former|Q55|P38}} → Nederlandske gylden

property with short name

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P38 (valuta): [item label]
{{wd|property|normal|current|short|Q55|P38}} → amerikansk dollar
{{wd|property|normal|current|short|linked|Q55|P38}}amerikansk dollar

property with return of quantity

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P2884 (netspænding): [quantity]
{{wd|property|Q55|P2884}} → 230 volt
{{wd|property|linked|Q55|P2884}} → 230 volt
{{wd|property|raw|Q55|P2884}} → 230

property with return of globe coordinate

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P625 (geografiske koordinater): [globe coordinate]
{{wd|property|Q55|P625}} → 52°19'N, 5°33'E
{{wd|property|linked|Q55|P625}}52°19'N, 5°33'E
{{wd|property|raw|Q55|P625}} → 52/19/N/5/33/E

A named property (or alias) can be used instead of the P-identifier:

  • Q55 (Holland), "coord" (→ P625, geografiske koordinater): [globe coordinate]
{{wd|property|Q55|coord}} → 52°19'N, 5°33'E

property with return of single value

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P150 (inddeles i): [item label]
{{wd|property|Q55|P150}} → Groningen
{{wd|property|single|Q55|P150}} → Groningen

  • Q55 (Holland), P1343 (beskrevet i), Q302556 (Catholic Encyclopedia), P958 (afsnit, vers eller paragraf): [string]

If the moduldiskussion is transcluded on the Holland page (which is linked to Q55), then the Q55 can be omitted:

  • P1343 (beskrevet i), Q302556 (Catholic Encyclopedia), P958 (afsnit, vers eller paragraf): [string]

qualifier with rank

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P38 (valuta), P518 (gælder del): [item label]
best rank (default)
{{wd|qualifier|Q55|P38|P518}} → Europæiske Nederlandene
{{wd|qualifier|raw|Q55|P38|P518}} → Q2118709
{{wd|qualifier|best|Q55|P38|P518}} → Europæiske Nederlandene
{{wd|qualifier|best|linked|Q55|P38|P518}} → Europæiske Nederlandene
other ranks
{{wd|qualifier|preferred|Q55|P38|P518}} → Europæiske Nederlandene
{{wd|qualifier|preferred-|linked|Q55|P38|P518}} → Europæiske Nederlandene; Caribisk Nederlandene
{{wd|qualifier|normal+|Q55|P38|P518}} → Europæiske Nederlandene; Caribisk Nederlandene
{{wd|qualifier|normal|Q55|P38|P518}} → Caribisk Nederlandene

qualifier with time constraint

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P38 (valuta), P518 (gælder del): [item label]
{{wd|qualifier|normal+|current|Q55|P38|P518}} → Europæiske Nederlandene; Caribisk Nederlandene

qualifier with claim ID

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P38 (valuta), Q4917 (amerikansk dollar), P518 (gælder del): [item label]
{{wd|qualifier|Q55|P38|Q4917|P518}} → Caribisk Nederlandene
{{wd|qualifier|linked|Q55|P38|Q4917|P518}}Caribisk Nederlandene

qualifier with literal value

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P2884 (netspænding), 230 volt, P2144 (frekvens): [quantity]
{{wd|qualifier|Q55|P2884|230|P2144}} → 50 Hertz
{{wd|qualifier|linked|Q55|P2884|230|P2144}} → 50 Hertz
{{wd|qualifier|raw|Q55|P2884|230|P2144}} → 50

qualifier with return of time

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P463 (medlem af), Q458 (Den Europæiske Union), P580 (starttidspunkt): [time]

qualifier with return of single value

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P2855 (momssats), P518 (gælder del): [item label]
{{wd|qualifier|Q55|P2855|P518}} → mad
{{wd|qualifier|single|Q55|P2855|P518}} → mad


[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P2884 (netspænding), P2144 (frekvens): [quantity]
{{wd|propertyWithQualifier|Q55|P2884|P2144}}Lua-fejl i Modul:Wd på linje 2365: Funktionen "propertyWithQualifier" eksisterer ikke.
{{wd|propertyWithQualifier|linked|Q55|P2884|P2144}}Lua-fejl i Modul:Wd på linje 2365: Funktionen "propertyWithQualifier" eksisterer ikke.
{{wd|propertyWithQualifier|raw|Q55|P2884|P2144}}Lua-fejl i Modul:Wd på linje 2365: Funktionen "propertyWithQualifier" eksisterer ikke.

  • Q55 (Holland), P38 (valuta), P518 (gælder del): [item label]
{{wd|propertyWithQualifier|normal+|current|Q55|P38|P518}}Lua-fejl i Modul:Wd på linje 2365: Funktionen "propertyWithQualifier" eksisterer ikke.
{{wd|propertyWithQualifier|normal+|current|short|linked|Q55|P38|P518}}Lua-fejl i Modul:Wd på linje 2365: Funktionen "propertyWithQualifier" eksisterer ikke.

If the moduldiskussion is transcluded on the Holland page (which is linked to Q55), then the Q55 can be omitted:

  • P38 (valuta), P518 (gælder del): [item label]
{{wd|propertyWithQualifier|normal+|current|P38|P518}}Lua-fejl i Modul:Wd på linje 2365: Funktionen "propertyWithQualifier" eksisterer ikke.

output with references

[rediger kildetekst]
  • Q55 (Holland), P36 (hovedstad), P794 (): [item label]
{{wd|propertyWithQualifier|refs|Q55|P36|P794}}Lua-fejl i Modul:Wd på linje 2365: Funktionen "propertyWithQualifier" eksisterer ikke.

  • {{wd|label|Q4917}} → amerikansk dollar
  • {{wd|label|short|Q4917}} → amerikansk dollar
  • {{wd|label|raw|Q4917}} → Q4917
  • {{wd|label|raw|linked|Q4917}}Q4917

  • {{wd|label|P38}} → valuta
  • {{wd|label|linked|P38}}valuta
  • {{wd|label|raw|P38}} → P38
  • {{wd|label|raw|linked|P38}}P38

  • {{wd|label|Q776}} → Utrecht
  • {{wd|label|linked|Q776}}Utrecht

If the moduldiskussion is transcluded on the Utrecht (provins) page (which is linked to Q776), then the Q776 can be omitted:

  • {{wd|label}} → Utrecht

  • {{wd|title|Q776}} → Utrecht (provins)
  • {{wd|title|linked|Q776}}Utrecht (provins)
  • {{wd|title|raw|Q776}} → Utrecht (provins)
  • {{wd|title|raw|linked|Q776}}Utrecht (provins)

If the moduldiskussion is transcluded on the Utrecht (provins) page (which is linked to Q776), then the Q776 can be omitted:

  • {{wd|title}} → Utrecht (provins)
  • Module:Wd, the source module that is called by this template.