Diskussion:Nordborg Sø
Someone should update that there is not actually a path ("gangsti") all around the pond. I have just made the tour by foot, and I can confirm that the path stops at some point. After the walking path fades..., I had to walk through several wheat fields by the lakeside and push through thickets of trees and sharp shrubs; and finally I was forced to walk through somebody's backyard! There is definitely not a continuous path around this pond, and I would not have taken such a tour if the information was presented correctly! (Skrev Truthiness00 (diskussion • bidrag) 1. jun 2016, 09:28. Husk at signere dine indlæg.)
- Thanks for telling us, - i've correctet it after Your discription and OpenStreetMap. - Nico (diskussion) 1. jun 2016, 09:51 (CEST)
Kilde mangler. Jeg ved ikke om der er andre kilder ? Mine forældre boede på gården Lysmose tæt ved Nordborg. Jeg er selv født i slutningen af 1944. Mine forældre er nu afdøde, og deres udsagn må stå til troende.
Med venlig hilsen Bjørnen (Skrev (diskussion • bidrag) 4. aug 2009, 17:34. Husk at signere dine indlæg.)
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