Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Denne skabelon bliver ikke brugt. Formålet med denne mærkning af skabelonen er at tage stilling til brugen af den. Skal den slettes, kan der findes anvendelse af den eller skal den mærkes, som en skabelon, som kun bruges til mærkning af bestemte ting, som pt. ikke er aktuelt.
Template returns the value of mathematical constants to ten significant digits.
{{Value|constant name}}
Constant name - the name of the mathematical constant. Default is Multiplicative identity , ie 1.
π or pi
golden ratio, φ, ϕ, phi
natural log, Euler's number, Napier's constant, e
Euler's constant, γ, gamma
Apery's constant, Apéry's constant, ζ(3), zeta(3), zeta3, zeta (3), zeta 3
plastic number, plastic constant, ρ, rho
silver ratio, δS , deltaS, delta S
δ or delta
α or alpha
Additive identity
Multiplicative identity
bbl to t barrels of oil to tonnes
convert/scale to convert any linearly related units
long ton long hundredweights, quarters and pounds to kilograms; long tons and hundredweights to pounds and metric tonnes
convinfobox for use in infoboxes
mvar a short form to refer to individual italicized maths variables in normal text
arbitrary characters/diacritics set above/below one another
wraps a TeX math expression in <math> tags
val to report measurement values, uncertainties and units
vec for various overarrows, underarrows, pointing left, right or both ways