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Alex Rodriguez
Personlige data
Fulde navnAlexander Emmanuel Rodriguez
Fødselsdato27. juli 1975
FødestedNew York, New York, USA
Højde1,91 m
Positioner3. basemand
Seattle Mariners
Texas Rangers
New York Yankees

Alexander Emmanuel "Alex" Rodriguez (født 27. juli 1975 i New York), ofte kaldet A-Rod, er en dominikansk-amerikansk baseballspiller. Han er den nuværende 3. basemand for New York Yankees og har tidligere spillet shortstop for Texas Rangers og Seattle Mariners.

Siden hans første hele sæson i 1996 er han først i Major League Baseball (MLB) med hensyn til home runs (HR), runs, runs batted in (RBI), total bases og extra-base hits. Blandt alle 30-årige spillere i baseballhistorien ligger han først med hensyn til både HR og runs, på andenpladsen med hensyn til total bases og extra-base hits, nummer 3 med hensyn til RBI og på fjerdepladsen med hensyn til hits. Indtil det punkt i hans karriere havde Rodriguez flere HR, RBI, runs og hits end disse statistikkers karriererekordholdere – Hank Aaron (HR og RBI), Rickey Henderson (runs) og Pete Rose (hits) – havde på deres 30-års fødselsdag. Han deler også MLB-rekorden (og er indehaver af American League-rekorden) for flest home runs i april, da han slog 14 i 2007.

Han bliver ofte beskrevet som den bedste all-round-spiller i baseball i øjeblikket.[1] Rodriguez er også kendt for at have underskrevet historiens dyreste sportskontrakt, en 10-års-aftale for mere end 252 millioner amerikanske dollars.[2]

De første år

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Alex Rodriguez blev født i Washington Heights-delen af New York City. Da han var fire år gammel, flyttede Alex sammen med sine forældre tilbage til disses fødeland, Den Dominikanske Republik. Efter familien flyttede til Miami, Florida, tre år senere, meddelte Rodriguez' far resten af familien, at han havde til hensigt at tage tilbage til New Jersey et kort stykke tid. Han vendte aldrig tilbage og forlod dermed Rodriguez og hans mor.

Rodriguez var en stjernespiller som shortstop for Miamis Westminster Christian High School. I 100 kampe havde han et batting average på 0,419 med 90 stolen bases (SB). Westminster vandt det nationale mesterskab for high schools i Rodriguez' andensidste år dér. I det sidste år på skolen blev han valgt til All-American-holdet, da han battede 0,505 med 9 home runs, 36 RBI og 35 SB i 33 kampe, og i tillæg blev han kåret som USA Baseball Junior Player of the Year og som sportsdrikken Gatorades førende studerende baseballspiller. I 1993 blev Rodriguez den første high school-spiller nogensinde, der var med til prøvetræningen hos Team USA (landets olympiske landshold).

Rodriguez satte sin underskrift på, at han havde til hensigt at spille baseball for universitetet i Miami, og han blev også hvervet til at spille quarterback for dets amerikansk fodbold-hold. Imidlertid afslog han Miamis baseballstipendium og spillede aldrig collegebaseball. I stedet valgte han at prøve lykken i amatørdraften i en alder af 17 år.

Professionel karriere

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Seattle Mariners

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Alex Rodriguez blev draftet som den allerførste spiller af Seattle Mariners i 1993. Rodriguez skød hurtigt op gennem Mariners' farmersystem, og han fik sin debut som den startende shortstop den 8. juli 1994 mod Boston Red Sox i en aldr af 18 år, 11 måeder og 11 dage som kun den tredje 18-årige MLB-shortstop siden år 1900. Han blev også den første 18-årige major league-spiller i 10 år og den yngste positionsspiller (dvs. ikke-pitcher) i Seattles historie. Hans første hit i den bedste række var en single, som han slog mod pitcheren Sergio Valdez den 9. juli på Fenway Park, Boston Red Sox' hjemmebane. Rodriguez' første MLB-sæson varede kun én måned, idet sæsonen blev forkortet af spillerstrejken i 1994. Mens han spillede i major league i 1994, var han den yngste spiller i amerikansk baseball.

Derefter tilbragte Rodriguez 1995-sæsonen delvist med Mariners og deres minor league-hold Tacoma Rainiers. Han slog sin første major league-home run mod Kansas City Royals' pitcher Tom Gordon den 12. juni. I august sluttede Rodriguez sig endegyldigt til MLB-holdet og fik sin første smag af slutspillet, omend kun med to at bats. Igen var han den yngste spiller i baseball.

1996: Første hele sæson og gennembrud

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Det følgende år overtog Rodriguez pladsen som Mariners' faste shortstop og blomstrede straks som stjernespiller, da han slog 36 HR med 123 RBI, samtidig med at han førte American League (AL) med en batting average på 0,358, det højeste for en højrehåndet batter, siden Joe DiMaggio battede 0,381 i 1939 og det tredjehøjeste gennemsnit nogensinde for en shortstop. I en alder af 21 år og én måned blev han den tredjeyngste AL-battingmester i historien efter Al Kaline (20) i 1955 og Ty Cobb (20) i 1907 samt den tredjeyngste spiller nogensinde med mere end 35 home runs. Han var også en første MLB-shortstop siden 1960, der vandt battingtitlen, og den første i AL siden 1944. Endvidere blev han den yngste shortstop nogensinde i All-Star-kampens historie (20 år og 11 måneder).

Han førte ligeledes AL med hensyn til runs (141), total bases (379) og doubles (54), ligesom han lå i toppen hvad angår hits (nr. 2, 215), extra-base hits (nr. 2, 91), kampe med mere end ét hit (nr. 3, 65), slugging percentage (nr. 4, 0,631), RBI (nr. 8, 123) og on-base percentage (nr. 8, 0,414). Dermed præsterede Rodriguez de højeste scorer nogensinde for en shortstop for runs, hits, doubles, extra-base hits og slugging percentage, ligesom han nåede op på en delt førsteplads med hensyn til total bases. Han satte også klubrekorder i Seattle inden for batting average, runs, hits, doubles og total bases. Rodriguez' 1996-sæson betragtes af mange baseballstatistikere som den bedste nogensinde af en shortstop.[3]

Både The Sporting News og Associated Press valgte ham som årets Major League Baseball-spiller, og han var tæt på at blive valgt som den yngste MVP-vinder i sportens historie, da han endte på andenpladsen efter Juan González i en af de seneste års mest kontroversielle MVP-kåringer.[4] Han endte blot tre point efter González (290-287), hvilket matchede den næsttætteste MVP-afstemning i American Leagues historie.


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I 1997 faldt Rodriguez lidt tilbage mod jorden, da han slog 23 home runs med 84 RBI og en batting average på 0,300. Han slog the cycle den 5. juni mod Detroit Tigers og blev dermed den anden spiller i sin klubs historie, der har opnået dette, samt den femteyngste spiller i historien til at gøre det (21 år og 10 måneder). Han var fansenes valg til at starte All-Star-kampen som shortstop for AL-holdet, og vippede dermed Cal Ripken af pinden efter 13 år på den ærefulde post. Det var den første All-Star-start i hans karriere og hans anden All-Star-kamp i løbet af to år.

1998: 40-40-klubben

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Rodriguez vendte stærkt tilbage i 1998, idet han satte AL-rekorden for home runs af en shortstop (42), ligesom han blev det kun tredje medlem af den såkaldte 40-40-klub, der består af spillere med mere end 40 home runs og 40 stolen bases i én sæson (Rodriguez havde 46 SB). Kun to andre shortstops i historien havde slået 40 home runs i én sæson.

Han blev valgt som Players' Choice AL Player of the Year, vandt sin anden Silver Slugger-pris og endte i top 10 i MVP-afstemningen.


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I 1999 slog han igen 42 HR, på trods af at han missede over 30 kampe grundet en skade, ligesom han jo spillede halvdelen af sæsonen i Mariners' nye stadion Safeco Field, hvis baneforhold var væsentligt mindre attraktive for battere, end den tidligere hjemmebane Kingdom havde været det.

2000: Sidste sæson i Seattle

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Rodriguez gik ind til 2000-sæsonen som en hjørnesten på Mariners' hold, der nyligt havde sendt superstjernerne Randy Johnson og Ken Griffey, Jr. til andre klubber i byttehandler. I deres fravær præsterede Rodriguez rigtig gode statistikker; han slog 41 HR med 132 RBI og et batting average på 0,316. Han slog endvidere sin personlige rekord for walks (100) og blev historiens første og eneste shortstop med mere end 100 runs, RBI og walks i den samme sæson. Han holdt niveauet højt i slutspillet (batting average og slugging percentage på henholdsvis 0,409 og 0,773), men Seattle tabte til New York Yankees i American League Championship Series.

Han blev valgt som årets Major League-spiller af Baseball America og endte som nr. 3 i ligaens officielle MVP-afstemning.

Texas Rangers

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Rodriguez' kontrakt udløb efter 2000-sæsonen. Han endte med at skrive kontrakt med Texas Rangers, der var sluttet på sidstepladsen i deres division. Kontrakten er den mest lukrative i sportshistorien: 252 millioner amerikanske dollars fordelt over 10 år, hvilket er 63 millioner dollars mere end den næstdyreste baseballkontrakt.

2001-2002: Mod nye rekorder

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Rodriguez' power hitting-statistikker forbedredes ved skiftet til Texas. I hans første sæson med Rangers producerede han en af de bedste offensive sæsoner nogensinde for en shortstop, da han førte American League med 52 HR, 133 runs og 393 total bases. Han var den første spiller siden 1932 med 50 home runs og 200 hits i samme sæson, den kun tredje shortstop i historien til at føre sin liga med hensyn til HR og en af to AL-spillere siden 1968, der har ført ligaen hvad angår runs, HR og total bases. Hans 393 total bases er flest nogensinde for en shortstop.

De 52 home runs gjorde ham til den sjetteyngste spiller, der nogensinde har slået 50, og det var det højeste tal nogensinde for en shortstop (hvilket vippede Ernie Banks' 47 HR i 1958 af pinden) og ligeledes det største antal for en infielder – fraregnet 1. basemænd – da det slog Mike Schmidts rekord på 48 HR i 1980.[5] Det var Rodriguez' femte sæson med mere end 30 home runs, hvilket på det tidspunkt en rekord for shortstops, som han delte med Ernie Banks. Han var også på en delt førsteplads i ligaen med hensyn til extra base hits (87) og på tredjepladsen med hensyn til RBI (135) og slugging percentage (0,622). Derudover rangerede han i toppen af ligaen hvad angår hits (nr. 4, 201), batting average (nr. 7, 0,318) og on-base percentage (nr. 8, 0,399). Han slog Texas Rangers-rekorderne for home runs, runs, total bases og hit by pitches, og førte internt i klubben den sæson med hensyn til runs, hits, doubles (34), home runs, RBI, slugging percentage og on-base percentage, ligesom han havde næstflest walks (75), stolen bases (18) og kampvindende RBI (14). Rodriguez forbedrede endvidere sine personlige rekorder inden for HR, RBI og total bases. Han startede 161 kampe som shortstop for Rangers og én som designated hitter og var dermed den eneste MLB-spiller til at starte i alle sit holds kampe i 2001.

Han fulgte op på succesen ved næste år at ligge i spidsen af MLB med 57 HR, 142 RBI og 389 total bases, hvorved han blev den første major league-batter siden 1984 til at føre alle tre kategorier. Hans home run-antal var det sjettehøjeste i American Leagues historie og flest siden Roger Maris' rekordsættende 61 HR i 1961, ligesom det igen var det højeste antal nogensinde for en shortstop. Rodriguez krydrede de offensive præstationer ved at vinde en Gold Glove for sit defensive spil.

Hans 109 HR i 2001-2002 er flest nogensinde for en højrehåndet AL-batter i på hinanden følgende sæsoner. Imidlertid endte Rangers sidst i AL West-divisionen begge år, hvilket muligvis har kostet Rodriguez MVP-prisen i 2002, da han sluttede på andenpladsen i afstemningen efter shortstopkollegaen Miguel Tejada, hvis hold, Oakland Athletics, havde vundet den samme division suverænt.

2003: American League MVP

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I sin sidste sæson som spiller for Texas førte Rodriguez American League med hensyn til home runs, runs og slugging percentage, og endvidere vandt han sin anden Gold Glove i træk. Han førte ligeledes ligaen i færrest at bats pr. home run (12,9) og blev den yngste spiller nogensinde til at slå 300 HR i sin karriere.

Efter fem top-10-placeringer i American League MVP-afstemningen mellem 1996 og 2002 vandt Rodriguez sin første MVP-titel i 2003. A-Rod, der to gange var endt på andenpladsen, er dermed sammen med outfielder Andre Dawson fra 1987-udgaven af Chicago Cubs de eneste spillere i baseballhistorien, der har vundet prisen, mens de spillede for bundhold.

I vinterpausen efter 2003-sæsonen forsøgte Texas at bytte Rodriguez og hans dyre kontrakt væk. Rangers fik fastlagt en aftale med Boston Red Sox, men Major League Baseball Players Association (MLB-spillernes fagforening) nedlagde veto mod handlen, da den involverede en frivillig lønreduktion for Rodriguez. På trods af den fejlslagne byttehandel med Red Sox udpegede Rangers ham som holdkaptajn i vinterpausen. Denne ære varede imidlertid ikke længe, idet New York Yankees havde bemærket muligheden for at anskaffe sig Rodriguez.

New York Yankees

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New York's third baseman, Aaron Boone, suffered a knee injury while playing a game of pickup basketball which sidelined him for the entire 2004 season, creating a hole at third base.

On February 15, 2004 Rodriguez was successfully traded to the New York Yankees for second baseman Alfonso Soriano and a player to be named later (Joaquin Arias was named as that player on March 24). The Rangers agreed to pay $67 million of the $179 million left on Rodriguez's contract.

Alex Rodriguez taking his position at 3rd base at the beginning of a new inning

Rodriguez agreed to switch positions from shortstop to third base, paving the way for the trade, because the popular Derek Jeter was already entrenched at that position. Rodriguez also had to switch uniform numbers, from 3 to 13; he had worn 3 his entire career, but that number is retired by the Yankees in honor of Babe Ruth.

2004: First Season with Yankees

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In his first season with the Yankees, Rodriguez hit .286 with 36 home runs, 106 runs batted in, 112 runs scored and 28 stolen bases. He became one of only three players in Major League history to compile at least 35 home runs, 100 runs and 100 RBI in seven consecutive seasons, joining Hall of Famers Babe Ruth and Jimmie Foxx. The 112 runs marked the ninth straight season in which he scored at least 100 runs, the longest such streak in the Major Leagues since Hank Aaron did it in 13 straight seasons from 1955-1967, and the longest in the American League since Mickey Mantle did it also in nine straight seasons from 1953-1961. During the 2004 season he also became the youngest player ever to reach the 350 HR mark and the third youngest to reach the 1,000 RBI plateau. He was elected to the 2004 American League All-Star Team, the eighth All-Star selection of his career and the first as a third baseman. On July 24, 2004, after being hit by a pitch, Rodriguez and Boston Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek scuffled, leading to a brawl between both teams. He finished 14th in balloting for the AL MVP Award.

In the 2004 ALDS, Rodriguez was a dominant hitter against the Minnesota Twins, batting .421 and slugging .737 while delivering two key extra-inning hits. Following the series win, Rodriguez's first season with the Yankees culminated in a dramatic playoff series against the team he had almost ended up playing for: the Yankees' bitter rival, the Boston Red Sox. In that series (ALCS) he equaled the single-game post-season record with five runs scored in Game 3 at Boston.

One of the most controversial plays of Rodriguez's career occurred late in Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS (American League Championship Series). With one out and Derek Jeter on first base in the bottom of the eighth inning, Rodriguez hit a slow roller between the pitcher's mound and the first base line. Red Sox pitcher Bronson Arroyo fielded the ball and ran towards Rodriguez to apply a tag. As Arroyo reached towards him, Rodriguez swatted at his glove, knocking the ball loose. As the ball rolled away, Jeter scored all the way from first as Rodriguez took second on the play, which was initially ruled an error on Arroyo. However, the umpires quickly huddled, then ruled that Rodriguez was out for interference. Jeter was sent back to first base, his run nullified. The Yankees wound up losing 4-2. Rodriguez's behavior, perceived as unprofessional, inspired much derision from Red Sox fans.

2005: American League Most Valuable Player

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In 2005, Rodriguez hit .321, leading the American League with 124 runs and 48 HR while driving in 130 runs. He became the first Yankee to win the American League home run title since Reggie Jackson (41) in 1980. He also became one of only two players in Major League history to compile at least 35 home runs, 100 runs and 100 RBIs in eight consecutive seasons (Jimmie Foxx accomplished the feat in nine straight seasons from 1932-1940). Rodriguez established the franchise record for most home runs in a single season by a right-handed batter (broke Joe DiMaggio's mark of 46 in 1937). His 47 HR from the third base position are a single-season American League record. Alex hit 26 home runs at Yankee Stadium in 2005, establishing the single-season club record for right-handed batters (previously held by DiMaggio in 1937 and Gary Sheffield in 2004). On August 6, at 29 years, 316 days old, he became the youngest player in MLB history to reach the 400 HR mark. 2005 also marked the tenth straight season that Rodriguez scored at least 100 runs.

An offensive highlight of his season came on April 26, when Rodriguez hit 3 HR off Angels' pitcher Bartolo Colon and drove in 10 runs. The 10 RBIs were the most by a Yankee since Tony Lazzeri established the franchise and American League record with 11 on 5/24/36. Rodriguez won his second AL MVP Award in three seasons.

He became the fifth player to win an MVP award (or its precursor 'League Award') with two different teams, joining Mickey Cochrane, Jimmie Foxx, Frank Robinson and Barry Bonds. Rodriguez was also named the shortstop on the Major League Baseball Latino Legends Team in 2005.

Rodriguez was again an All-Star in 2006, and was 4th in the league in RBI (121), 5th in runs (113), 8th in home runs (35) and walks (90), and 9th in OBP (.392). Rodriguez's 2,000th hit, on July 21, 2006, was also his 450th home run. Six days shy of his 31st birthday, Rodriguez became the youngest player in baseball history to reach 450 home runs (surpassing Ken Griffey, Jr. by 267 days). He also became the 8th player to reach 2,000 hits before turning 31. Ty Cobb reached the mark while still 29, while Rogers Hornsby, Mel Ott, Hank Aaron, Joe Medwick, Jimmie Foxx, and Robin Yount all got their 2,000th hits at age 30. All 7 of the players are members of baseball's Hall of Fame. Rodriguez also became the 2nd player in Major League history to have at least 35 home runs, 100 runs, and 100 RBI in 9 consecutive seasons joining Jimmie Foxx. 2006 was Alex's 11th consecutive season with more than 100 runs scored, the longest such streak in American League history since Lou Gehrig did it in 13 straight seasons (1926-38). Despite this success he was harshly criticized throughout the 2006 season. He has said that 2006 was his most difficult season as a professional.[6]

Rodriquez in practice against the Colorado Rockies on June 19, 2007

With the 2007 season came a new attitude. Rodriguez reported to camp lighter, having reduced his body fat from 16% the year before to 9%. Alex made light of this fact during a Late Night with David Letterman sketch filmed during Spring Training, which featured a shirtless A-Rod being rubbed down with sun tan lotion. He revealed to the press that he and Derek Jeter were no longer close friends. Alex also reduced his high leg kick at the plate, increasing his bat speed, making him less-apt to strike out and a more dangerous hitter. Additionally, Alex opted to wear high stockings instead of wearing his pants long.[1]

2007 also marks the last year of Alex's 10-year, $252 million contract before he can opt out, effectively making him a free agent again. Though Alex has repeatedly stated that he would like to remain a Yankee for the rest of his career[2], many speculate that he will indeed exercise the opt out clause and become a free agent.

In the Yankees' fourth game of the season, Rodriguez hit two home runs against the Baltimore Orioles at Yankee Stadium, including a walk-off grand slam, the third of his career, tying the major league mark shared by Vern Stephens and Cy Williams.[7][8] Rodriguez also began the season by becoming the ninth major leaguer--and first Yankee--to hit six home runs in the first seven games of the season. Rodriguez also became the first Yankee to hit seven home runs in the first ten games of the season. [9]

On April 19, 2007, the Yankees came from behind to defeat the Cleveland Indians 8-6—with Rodriguez hitting a walk-off home run. On April 23, 2007, Rodriguez became the first player in major league history to hit 14 home runs in a span of 18 games, and also tied the MLB record for most home runs in April. His total of 34 RBIs in April was 1 short of Juan González' AL and MLB record. On April 24, Rodriguez's 23-game hitting streak came to an end. In a game against the Toronto Blue Jays on May 30, 2007, Rodriguez sparked controversy when he allegedly verbally interfered with a routine play which ended up costing the Blue Jays four runs. The Yankees went on to win the game, 10-5.

On June 12th, Rodriguez hit a mammoth home run against the Arizona Diamondbacks that hit off the front of the upper deck in left field. The home run was A-Rod's 25th of the season in only 63 games. That beats out his mark of the 2006 season, in which it took Rodriquez 113 games to reach 25.

Through July 13, Rodriguez ranks 1st in the Major Leagues in home runs (31), RBIs (87), slugging percentage (.671), and runs (82). Rodriguez is also on pace to hit 65 home runs, breaking the American League single season Home Run Record of 61 set by former Yankee Roger Maris in 1961. [3]

On June 23rd, Rodriguez hit his seventh 9th-inning home run of the season to tie a game against the San Francisco Giants, but the Yanks still lost that game 6-5 in extra innings.

Reggie Jackson talking with Rodriguez during batting practice. Many unflattering comparisons have been drawn between Jackson's postseason career and Rodriguez's.

Due to the unsuccessful nature of the Yankees 2005 and 2006 postseasons and Rodriguez's sub .200 batting average in both of the series,[10] Rodriguez has drawn much criticism in the New York area. Because of the Yankees' successful history, he is often compared unfavorably to other Yankees greats who have performed exceptionally well in the postseason, such as Reggie Jackson.[11]

While Rodriguez won the AL MVP award in 2005 and played a pivotal role in the Yankees defeat of the Minnesota Twins in the 2004 ALDS, his recent postseason struggles have left fans frustrated. Rodriguez performed well in the earlier half of the 2004 postseason, hitting .320 with 3 home runs and 5 doubles in 50 at bats, but as was the case with the team in general, he ceased to pose an offensive threat during the final four games of the ALCS against the Boston Red Sox. The following postseason, Rodriguez went 2-for-15 in five games, and most recently, in the 2006 postseason, went 1-for-14 against the Detroit Tigers. Through 2006, Rodriguez was a paltry 4-for-41 (.098 batting average) with no RBI in his last 12 postseason games.[12]

Much of the criticism regarding Rodriguez is focused upon his alleged inability to produce hits in clutch situations.[13][14] However, during the 2003-05 regular seasons, Rodriguez posted a .371 batting average with the bases loaded and maintained an on base percentage of .422. In 2006, his numbers improved to .474 and .500 respectively. In 2007, through July 14 he hit .444 and .455, respectively. Additionally, Rodriguez's other batting lines during this period included a .432 average with a runner on third (.333 in 2006), .381 with a runner in scoring position (.302 in 2006), and .392 with a runner in scoring position and 2 outs (.313 in 2006; .333 in 2007 through July 14th).[15]

In May 2006, Rodriguez responded to the criticism directed at him, saying:

Rodriguez ready to hit in June 19, 2007

In an issue of Sports Illustrated, Rodriguez surmised further reasons why he has become an apparent magnet for criticism, saying:

Nonetheless, sportswriters, fans, and teammates have continued to debate Alex Rodriguez's performance in the clutch. Some writers such as the New York Post's Joel Sherman have asked, "How do you disregard your eyes completely? How do you ignore that at the most intense moments Rodriguez seems to be carrying his 32-ounce bat and the weight of the world into each at-bat?"[18] Other sportswriters including ESPN's D.J. Gallo openly mocked Rodriguez's harshest critics while discussing an off-day in the Yankee schedule: "Typical A-Fraud -- the Yankees manage to win back-to-back games against the Red Sox and he needs a day off. Pathetic."[19] In the same issue of Sports Illustrated cited earlier, teammate Jason Giambi also criticized Rodriguez, remarking:"...you've got to get the big hit."[17] However, Rodriguez and Giambi implied that the story was taken out of context, with Giambi claiming that his comments were part of a "pep talk", and not an argument, because he "was just trying to find a way to help him out."[20] Rodriguez agreed, "This is the most support I've ever gotten from any team. I couldn't be more proud."

In the 2004 American League Championship Series, Rodriguez hit the ball out of Boston Red Sox pitcher Bronson Arroyo's hand while he was attempting to apply a tag. Rodriguez was subsequently called out by the umpires. Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling criticized Rodriguez by referring to the move as an example of “junior high school baseball."

Rodriguez also received considerable bad press when on May 30, 2007, he yelled something (he says he yelled "Ha!"; the Blue Jays contend he yelled "Mine!") while rounding the bases in the ninth inning, distracting third baseman Howie Clark of the Toronto Blue Jays from making a play on a fly ball in the infield. Many Jays players and sports personalities considered this poor sportsmanship and against the "unwritten" rules of baseball. Even Yankees manager Joe Torre considered this probably out of line, saying "It was probably inappropriate to do it at the time he did it, but you can't change it, unfortunately." [21]

Awards and honors

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  • 1993 1st Team High School All-American (IF)
  • 1994 Seattle Mariners Minor League Player of the Year
  • 1994 Midwest League All-Star (SS)
  • 1995 Baseball America 1st Team Minor League All-Star (SS)
  • 1995 Triple-A All-Star (SS)
  • 1996 AL All-Star (SS)
  • 1996 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 2)
  • 1996 AL Silver Slugger Award (SS)
  • 1996 The Sporting News Player of the Year
  • 1997 AL All-Star (SS)
  • 1998 AL All-Star (SS)
  • 1998 Seattle Mariners Player of the Year
  • 1998 Baseball America 1st-Team Major League All-Star (SS)
  • 1998 AL Silver Slugger Award (SS)
  • 1998 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 9)
  • 1999 AL Silver Slugger Award (SS)
  • 1999 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 15)
  • 2000 AL All-Star (SS)
  • 2000 AL Silver Slugger Award (SS)
  • 2000 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 3)
  • 2000 Baseball America MLB Player of the Year
  • 2000 Baseball America 1st-Team Major League All-Star (SS)
  • 2000 Seattle Mariners Player of the Year
  • 2001 AL All-Star (SS)
  • 2001 AL Hank Aaron Award
  • 2001 Baseball America 1st-Team Major League All-Star (SS)
  • 2001 Texas Rangers Player of the Year
  • 2001 AL Silver Slugger Award (SS)
  • 2001 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 6)
  • 2002 AL All-Star (SS)
  • 2002 AL Gold Glove Award (SS)
  • 2002 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 2)
  • 2002 AL Silver Slugger Award (SS)
  • 2002 AL Hank Aaron Award
  • 2002 Baseball America MLB Player of the Year
  • 2002 Baseball America 1st-Team Major League All-Star (SS)
  • 2002 Texas Rangers Player of the Year
  • 2002 The Sporting News Player of the Year
  • 2003 AL All-Star (SS)
  • 2003 AL Gold Glove Award (SS)
  • 2003 AL Hank Aaron Award
  • 2003 Baseball America 1st-Team Major League All-Star (SS)
  • 2003 Texas Rangers Player of the Year
  • 2003 AL MVP
  • 2003 AL Silver Slugger Award (SS)
  • 2004 AL All-Star (3B)
  • 2004 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 14)
  • 2005 AL All-Star (3B)
  • 2005 AL MVP
  • 2005 AL Silver Slugger Award (3B)
  • 2005 Baseball America 1st-Team Major League All-Star (3B)
  • 2006 AL All-Star (3B)
  • 2006 AL MVP (Voting Rank: # 13)
  • 2007 AL All-Star (3B)
  • 1996 AL Batting Title
  • 1996 AL Runs Leader
  • 1996 AL Doubles Leader
  • 1996 AL Total Bases Leader
  • 1998 AL Hits Leader
  • 2001 AL Home Run Title
  • 2001 AL Runs Leader
  • 2001 AL Total Bases Leader
  • 2001 AL Extra-Base Hits Leader
  • 2002 AL Home Run Title
  • 2002 AL RBI Title
  • 2002 AL Total Bases Leader
  • 2003 AL Home Run Title
  • 2003 AL Slugging Percentage Leader
  • 2003 AL Runs Leader
  • 2005 AL Home Run Title
  • 2005 AL Slugging Percentage Leader
  • 2005 AL OPS Leader
  • 2005 AL Runs Leader
Major League Records
Record Total Season
Most runs in a season (SS) 141 1996
Most extra base hits in a season (SS) 91 1996
Highest slugging percentage in a season (SS) .631 1996
Most total bases in a season (SS) 393 2001
Most home runs in a season (SS) 57 2002
Most home runs in the month of April (tied) 14 2007
Fastest to 12 home runs in a season (tied) 15 Gms 2007
Fastest to 13 and 14 home runs in a season 18 Gms 2007
Most home runs by a New York born player 496 Skabelon:By-Present
American League Records
Record Total Season
Most home runs in consecutive seasons (RH) 109 2001-2002
Most home runs in the month of April 14 2007
Most home runs in a season (3B) 48 2005
Fastest to 10 home runs in a season 14 Gms 2007
Fastest to 12 home runs in a season 15 Gms 2007
New York Yankees Records
Record Total Season
Most home runs in a season (RH) 48 2005
Most home runs in a season at home (RH) 26 2005

Career statistics

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Skabelon:Baseball stats

Personal life

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He married Cynthia Scurtis on November 2, 2002. The couple's first child, Natasha Alexander, was born on November 18, 2004.

On May 27, 2007, Rodriguez was spotted at a Toronto strip club with a blonde woman, later identified as Joslyn Noel Morse, an exotic dancer with Scores Las Vegas who was featured in Playboy's 2001 magazine "Playboy's Casting Calls." [22] The New York Post ran a picture on May 30, 2007.


  • In 2003, Alex Rodriguez gave $3.9 million to the University of Miami to renovate its baseball stadium. The new facility will be named 'Mark Light Field at Alex Rodriguez Park.' Rodriguez remains an ardent University of Miami fan and can frequently be found at Hurricane sporting events, as well as working out at the school's athletic facilities in the off-season.
  • In 2005, The Sporting News published an update of its 1999 book Baseball's 100 Greatest Players. Rodriguez did not make the original edition, but for the 2005 update, with his career totals considerably higher, he was ranked at Number 70.
  • He owns a Mercedes-Benz dealership in League City, Texas.[23]
  • His entrance music is Baby Boy's "The Way I Live".
  • In 2006, his entrance music was Linkin Park/Jay-z's Numb/Encore.
  • John Sterling, the play-by-play announcer for Yankees radio on WCBS-880, calls Alex Rodriguez's home runs "A-bombs", and says after each one, "It's an A-bomb! From A-Rod!"


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  1. ^ Allen Barra (29-08-2006). "Alex Rodriguez is one of the greatest Yankees ever". Village Voice. Hentet 20-07-2007. {{cite web}}: Tjek datoværdier i: |accessdate= og |date= (hjælp)
  2. ^ "Breakdown of A-Rod's record $252 million contract". CNN.com. Hentet 23-12-2006. {{cite web}}: Tjek datoværdier i: |accessdate= (hjælp)
  3. ^ Joe Sheehan (07-09-2001). "Aurilia makes sure Giants aren't one-man show". ESPN.com. Hentet 20-07-2007. {{cite web}}: Tjek datoværdier i: |accessdate= og |date= (hjælp)
  4. ^ David Schoenfield (17-11-2003). "The List: Most controversial MVPs". ESPN.com. Hentet 20-07-2007. {{cite web}}: Tjek datoværdier i: |accessdate= og |date= (hjælp)
  5. ^ "Single-Season Leaders & Records for Home Runs". Baseball Reference. Hentet 2007-07-20.
  6. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/16/sports/baseball/16arod.html?ex=1321333200&en=9041663c08366417&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
  7. ^ Bryan Hoch (2007-04-07). "A-Rod rescues Yanks". MLB.com.
  8. ^ AP (2007-04-07). "A-Rod blasts two homers, has six RBIs in Yankees win". ESPN.com.
  9. ^ AP (2007-04-10). "A-Rod sets tone early with sixth homer of season". ESPN.com.
  10. ^ baseball-reference.com, Alex Rodriguez, accessed January 26, 2007
  11. ^ msnbc.com, Yanks are ‘stuck’ with A-Rod, Reggie says, accessed January 26, 2007
    *Tyler Kepner, BASEBALL; A Whiff of Futility And Rodriguez Can't Breathe Easy, New York Times August 29, 2006
    *msnbc.com, Alex Rodriguez dropped to No. 8 spot for first time in decade, accessed January 26, 2007
    *washingtonpost.com, Choi's Blast Leads Korea to Win Over United States, accessed January 26, 2007
    *msnbc.com, Boss's criticism of A-Rod is long overdue, accessed January 26, 2007
  12. ^ cbs.sportsline.com, Cashman says Yankees have no intention of trading A-Rod, accessed February 7, 2007
  13. ^ askmen.com, Alex Rodriguez, accessed January 26, 2007
  14. ^ cbssportsline.com, A-Rod's postseason funk continues in Game 2 loss , accessed January 26, 2007
  15. ^ "Alex Rodriguez Player Card". ESPN.com.
  16. ^ Mark Feinsand (2006-05-24). "A-Rod sticks it to Sox". MLB.com.
  17. ^ a b Tom Verducci (2006-09-25). "A-Rod Agonistes". Sports Illustrated.
  18. ^ Joel Sherman, Time to Face Facts: A-Rod Simply Doesn't have 'It', New York Post, June 6, 2006
  19. ^ DJ Gallo (2006-11-08). "An embarrassing week for A-Rod". ESPN.com.
  20. ^ Tyler Kepner (2006-9-20). "As Yankees March On, a Reminder Of Rodriguez's Summertime Swoon". The New York Times. {{cite web}}: Tjek datoværdier i: |date= (hjælp)
  21. ^ "Torre: A-Rod shout was out of line". Associated Press.
  22. ^ New York Post, Playboy Alex's Private Dancer, accessed June 1, 2007
  23. ^ Alex Rodriguez Houston Mercedes-Benz

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