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World League for Freedom and Democracy (WLFD), grundlagt i 1966 som World Anti-Communist League (WACL), er en international ikke-statslig organisation (NGO) og medlem af United Nations Department of Public Information NGO branch. WLFD har mere end hundrede nationale afdelinger fordelt over hele verden. Organisationens formål er at "fremme frihed, demokrati og menneskerettigheder for alle mennesker uden skelen til race, køn, sprog, religion, nationalitet, politisk tilhørsfohold eller beskæftigelse for at sikre verdensfreden og fremgang.

Russisk WP: The World Anti-Communist League (WACL), was an international non-governmental organization of anti-communist politicians and groups founded in 1966 under the initiative of Chiang Kai-Shek, leader of the Republic of China (Taiwan). It united mostly ultra-right and libertarian structures, and acted with the support of the right-wing authoritarian regimes of East Asia and Latin America. During the Cold War, WACL actively participated from anti-communist and anti-Soviet positions.

Organisationen har rødder tilbage til den 15. juni 1954, da Chiang Kai-shek fra Republikken Kina (Taiwan), Elpidio Quirino fra Filippinerne og Syngman Rhee fra Republikken Korea (Sydkorea) grundlagde Asian Peoples’ Anti-Communist League i den sydkoreanske by Jinhae, der havde fungeret som hovedstad under dele af Koreakrigen.[1] Andre støttende stater var Republikken Vietnam (Sydvietnam), Thailand, Okinawa, Hong Kong og Macao, der også sendte repræsentanter til den kongres, der blev afholdt i forbindelse med stiftelsen. Asian Peoples’ Anti-Communist League (APACL) blev stiftet samme år og med samme baggrund som stiftelsen af South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). Hvor SEATO var en militærorganisation oprettet efter forbillede af NATO, var APACL en organisation, der med ikke-militære midler søgte at begrænse kommunistisk indflydelse i regionen. Kort efter stiftelsen af APACL blev den 1. juli 1954 oprettet en afdeling i Taipei i Republikken Kina under ledelse af Ku Cheng-kang, leder af den Taiwan-kinesiske organisation for kinesiske flygtninge.

I 1966 var antallet af medlemslande steget til 27 fordelt på lande i Asien, Afrika og Oceanien. På organisationens 12. kongres den 3. november 1966 i Seoul blev det besluttet at vedtage en udvidelse af organisationen fra en asiatisk til en egentlig international organisation, og den 7. november blev vedtaget et nyt charter for organisationen under navnet World Anti-Communist League (WACL), hvilket charter trådte i kraft eden 1. april 1967. Charteret for WACL bestemte, at organisationen oprette afdelinger i seks regioner: Asia (i dag kaldet Asian Pacific League for Freedom and Democracy), Mellemøsten (i dag kaldet Middle East Solidarity Council), Afrika (i dag African Organization for Freedom and Democracy), Europa (i dag European Council for World Freedom), Nordamerika (i dag North American Federation for Freedom and Democracy) og Latinamerika (i dag Federation of Latin American Democratic Organization).

Efter Sovjetunionens sammenbrud og Den Kolde Krigs ophør besluttede organisationen på sin 22. kongres i Belgien den 23. juli 1990 at ændre sit navn til det nuværende "World League for Freedom and Democracy" (WLFD) med virkning fra den 1. januar 1991.

I henhold til organisationens vedtægter, kan nationale, regionale og internationale organisationer, der kan tilslutte sig organisationens formål optages som medlemmer. Medlemskab kan være i form af et regulært medlemskab (Regular Members) med stemmeret eller som associeret medlemskab (Associate Members) uden stemmeret. Regulært medlemskab omfatter to kategorier: 1) En organisation der tilslutter sig ønsket om frihed og demokrati og som af eksekutivkomite anses at repræsentere et land eller et territorie, eller 2) en international orginisation der arbejder for frihed og demokrati og som består af to eller flere afdelinger i forskellige lande. Sidstnævnte organisation kan optages som regulært medlem. Ungdomsorganisationer med ønske om frihed og demokrati kan optages som en international organisation. Andre organisationer, der tilslutter sig WFLDs mål kan optages som associeret medlem.

Organisatorisk indgår i WFLD en række underafdelinger.

Asian Pacific League for Freedom and Democracy

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Asian Pacific League for Freedom and Democracy (APLFD) blev grundlagt i 1954 som Asian Peoples’ Anti-Communist League. APLFD etablerede sekretariat i Saigon i Sydvietnam i 1957. I 1964 blev sekretariatet flyttet til Manila, men allerede i 1967 blev det flyttet retur til Saigon. Efter Saigons fald i 1975 til den kommunistiske oprørsbevægelse og tropper fra Nordvietnam blev sekretariatet flyttet til Taipei i Taiwan, hvor sekretariatet fortsat er hjemmehørende.[2]

APLFD har i dag 18 medlemslande: Australien, Fiji, Guam, Indien, Indonesien, Japan, Sydkorea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Palau, Filippinerne, Singapore, Taiwan (ROC), Thailand, USA, Vietnam, Laos og Burma.


Taiwan afdeling

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Taiwan (formelt Republikken Kina, eller Republic of China)) er et af de stiftende medlemmer af WLFD. Afdeligen består af en række organisationer og politiske partier fra Taiwan. .

Forbindelser til Europa

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The number of members in Denmark is unknown, but several politicians have or have been connected to the organization. Progress Party leader Pia Kjærsgaard participated in 1988 as WACL's guest at the organization's congress in Taipei. "It is a worldwide organization that clearly aims to combat communism worldwide. This good purpose, of course, gives me my full support, and I therefore had the opportunity to speak during the congress for an invited circle", said Pia Kjærsgaard in the magazine Progress.[4] The Danish WACL leader has been municipal politician Erik Dissing.

Antallet af medlemmer i Danmark er ukendt, men flere politikere har eller har haft forbindelse til organisationen. Fremskridtpartiets leder Pia Kjærsgaard deltog i 1988 som WACL's gæst på organisationens kongres i Taipei. ”Det er en verdensomspændende organisation, der klart har til formål at bekæmpe kommunismen verden over. Dette gode formål giver jeg naturligvis min fulde støtte, og jeg havde da således lejlighed til at holde en tale under kongressen for en indbudt kreds” nævner Pia Kjærsgaard i bladet Fremskridt. Den tidligere formand for danske WACL, Erik Dissing, tidligere medlem af kommunalbestyrelsen i Tårnby kommune for Det konservative Folkeparti, forsvarede i Det Fri Aktuelt d. 18. september 1988 Alfredo Stroessners Paraguay. Dissing gav endvidere udtryk for sympati for Chiles diktator, Augusto Pinochet: ”Hvis man ser bort fra alle flosklerne, så er det en kendsgerning, at general Pinochet har været en lykke for Chile”, nævnte Erik Dissing.

The French chapter was headed by Suzanne Labin. The president of the German section as of 2012 has been Axel Fischer.[5]

In Sweden, a department of WACL has been established since 1967. The Swedish organization has been characterized by strong participation among exile Estonians. Among the member organizations in the late 1960s were Democratic Alliance, Baltic Committee, Nordic War and UN Veterans Association[6] and the Committee for a Free Asia. The National League of Sweden was also linked to the organization for some time. Swedish chairman has been Birger Nerman (1967–70), Arvo Horm (1970-1984), Birger Hagård (1984–88) and Åke J. Ek (1988-2011).[7]

Kontroverser og kritik

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In 1978, Roger Pearson became the World Chairman of the WACL. Pearson was described in a Washington Post article as having neo-Nazi associations[8][9][10][11][12][13] and sources report that as a result of an article in the Washington Post in 1978 critical of WACL and alleging extreme right wing politics of Pearson that either he was expelled from WACL or at least was pressured into resigning from his position as World Chairman.[14][15][16]

The U.S. chapter of WACL, the United States Council for World Freedom (USCWF) was founded in 1981 by Major General John K. Singlaub. Singlaub was the former US Chief of Staff of both United Nations and American forces in South Korea, but was relieved in 1977 by U.S. President Jimmy Carter after publicly criticizing Carter's decision to reduce the number of troops on the peninsula.[kilde mangler] Singlaub became a member of the WACL in 1980, and founded and became president of its U.S. chapter, the United States Council for World Freedom. This branch generated controversy when it supported Nicaraguan guerrillas in the Iran–Contra affair[17] and, in 1981, the USCWF was placed under watch by the Anti-Defamation League, which said that the organization had increasingly become "a point of contact for extremists, racists, and anti-Semites".[18][19] During the 1980s, the USCWF and WACL conducted a purge of these elements, and invited ADL observers to monitor its conferences;[20] by 1985, the Anti-Defamation League declared itself "satisfied that substantial progress has been made since 1981 in ridding the organization of racists and anti-Semites."[21]

It is alleged that in the mid-1980s WACL had become a supplier of arms to anti-communist rebel movements in southern Africa, Central America, Afghanistan and the Far East.[22] During the 1980s, the WACL was particularly active in Latin America, notably by aiding the Contra forces in Nicaragua.[23] During this period, WACL was criticized for the presence in the organization of neo-Nazis, war criminals, and people linked to death squads and assassinations.[18] Other allegations have included reports claim that the World League for Freedom and Democracy is responsible for producing what its opponents call "troops of killers", while ostensibly organizing to provide support for Corazon Aquino from the right-wing in the Philippines[24] and for supporting the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO) movement in Mozambique.[25]

The World Anti-Communist League held annual conferences at various locations throughout the world. Numerous groups participated, including the Unification Church of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. WACL also enjoyed support from many U.S. Congressmen, most notably 2008 presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ),[17][26] who sat on the United States Council for World Freedom (USCWF) Board of Directors in the early 1980s.[27][28] McCain has said previously he resigned from the council in 1984 and asked in 1986 to have his name removed from the group's letterhead.[29]

Controversial members

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In the World Anti-Communist League, numerous Nazi collaborators and Latin American death squads were active. The prominent members included:[30]

  1. ^ Peng, Wan-hsin; Chung, Jake (6 november 2016). "DPP caucus agrees to cut WLFD, APLFD budgets". Taipei Times. Hentet 6 november 2016.{{cite news}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  2. ^ Asia in the Pacific Islands: Replacing the West By R. G. Crocombe
  3. ^ "Advocates of Freedom and Democracy Gather in Songdo, Incheon - Korea IT Times".
  4. ^ Det fri Aktuelt: 18 September 1988: "Gæst hos fascismen" archived at https://www.webcitation.org/6lvK95Vgw?url=http://www.danskfolkeantiparti.dk/hos_fascismen.htm
  5. ^ "WLFD - Deutschland". www.facebook.com.
  6. ^ "Aftonbladet debatt: Olof Palme var ett hot mot extremhögern". wwwc.aftonbladet.se.
  7. ^ "Tobias Hübinette: En introduktion till World Anti-Communist League" (PDF).
  8. ^ "The Fascist Specter Behind The World Anti-Red League". The Washington Post. 29 maj 1978. s. C1-C2.{{cite news}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  9. ^ Sklar, Holly (januar 1988). Washington's War on Nicaragua. South End Press. s. 79. ISBN 978-0-89608-295-3. Hentet 6 januar 2015.{{cite book}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  10. ^ Bellant, Russ (1991). Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party. South End Press. s. 60-61. ISBN 978-0-89608-418-6. Hentet 6 januar 2015.{{cite book}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  11. ^ Tucker, William H. (2007) [first published 2002]. The funding of scientific racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund. University of Illinois Press. s. 162, 166. ISBN 978-0-252-07463-9. Lay summary (10 december 2014). {{cite book}}: Skabelonen anvender en forældet parameter |lay-date= (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laydate= ignoreret (|lay-date= foreslået) (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laysummary= ignoreret (|lay-url= foreslået) (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  12. ^ Scatamburlo d'Annibale, Valerie (19 november 2011). Cold Breezes and Idiot Winds: Patriotic Correctness and the Post-9/11 Assault on Academe. Springer Science & Business Media. s. 60. ISBN 978-94-6091-409-6. Hentet 6 januar 2015.{{cite book}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  13. ^ Richards, Graham (2012). 'Race,' Racism, and Psychology: Towards a Reflexive History (Second udgave). Routledge. s. 399-400. ISBN 978-0-415-56142-6. Lay summary (22 maj 2013). {{cite book}}: Skabelonen anvender en forældet parameter |lay-url= (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laydate= ignoreret (|lay-date= foreslået) (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laysummary= ignoreret (|lay-url= foreslået) (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  14. ^ Kelsey, Tim; Rowe, Trevor (1990-03-04). "Academics were funded by racist American trust". The Independent.
  15. ^ Lincoln, Bruce (1999). Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship. University of Chicago Press. s. 122. ISBN 978-0-226-48201-9. Lay summary (7 april 2015). {{cite book}}: Skabelonen anvender en forældet parameter |lay-date= (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laydate= ignoreret (|lay-date= foreslået) (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laysummary= ignoreret (|lay-url= foreslået) (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  16. ^ Tucker, William H. (2007) [first published 2002]. The funding of scientific racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund. University of Illinois Press. s. 170. ISBN 978-0-252-07463-9. Lay summary (10 december 2014). {{cite book}}: Skabelonen anvender en forældet parameter |lay-date= (hjælp); Ugyldig |ref=harv (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laydate= ignoreret (|lay-date= foreslået) (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |laysummary= ignoreret (|lay-url= foreslået) (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  17. ^ a b Yost, Pete (2008-10-07). "McCain linked to group in Iran-Contra affair". San Francisco Chronicle. Associated Press. Arkiveret fra originalen december 8, 2008. Hentet 2009-08-20. {{cite news}}: Ugyldig |deadurl=yes (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |deadurl= ignoreret (|url-status= foreslået) (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link)
  18. ^ a b Anti-Semitism Charges Lead To Delay on Religion Prize, New York Times, April 19, 1988.
  19. ^ Anti-Defamation League (1981), "Terrorism’s Targets: Democracy, Israel and Jews", p23 - cited at ADL on the WACL & John McCain
  20. ^ Singlaub, Hazardous Duty, p. 447
  21. ^ "ADL on the WACL & John McCain". archive.adl.org. Arkiveret fra originalen 2016-11-07. {{cite web}}: Ugyldig |deadurl=yes (hjælp); Ukendt parameter |deadurl= ignoreret (|url-status= foreslået) (hjælp)
  22. ^ David Pallister, David Beresford and Angela Johnson. "Guns, Goons, and Western Goals", The Guardian, April 24, 1993.
  23. ^ "McCain linked to group in Iran-Contra affair", USA Today, 7 oktober 2008{{citation}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link).
  24. ^ The Village Voice, February 27, 1996
  25. ^ The Guardian, august 6, 1994 {{citation}}: Manglende eller tom |title= (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link).
  26. ^ Smith, Ben. "A shot across the bows". Politico. Hentet 2008-10-17.
  27. ^ "Meet the Press", MSNBC (transcript), MSN, oktober 5, 2008{{citation}}: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato automatisk oversat (link).
  28. ^ Schor, Elana (2008-10-07). "US election: Democrats threaten to hit McCain on Iran-Contra link". The Guardian. London. Hentet 2008-10-07. {{cite news}}: |section= ignoreret (hjælp)
  29. ^ "McCain tied to Iran-Contra group". MSNBC.com. 2008-10-07. Hentet 2008-10-17.
  30. ^ "Full text of "Scott & Jon Lee Anderson - Inside the League (1986).pdf (PDFy mirror)"". archive.org.
  31. ^ "World Anti-Communist Leaugue (WACL)". www.leksikon.org.

Further reading

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